I’m surprised that it comes from the same company that helped produce the Concorde - that is one ugly helo. I’m very much looking forward to it!
It’s interesting they show the Ka-50 ABRIS and Shkval in that video. I’m going to assume those systems aren’t actually on the Gazelle, just temporarily ported for sim development?
Best wishes for them - I would love to see more hi-fi helos.
In my Blatant Anglicized Bias I’m putting down Concord work distribution as 95% Design = British, 5% In-Flight Food Menu Plus Fancy Nose = French. It does mean ‘peace’ after-all, and I’m refusing all real facts now
Besides, aren’t all small copters meant to look like insects? Bzzzz.
And there’s ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with an ugly aircraft - sometimes that means functionality was put ahead of aesthetics, and that makes it just that much more beautiful (A-10C Warthog, etc.).
Some real passion by that developer, I’m very intrigued now. The interview suggests the module is all but released. Wonder when we’ll see a beta of it?
thought I’d use the same thread to anounce that Polychop also did an interview with simworld.cz that you can read in czech or english. here’s the link for the english thread
Olli, Sven, and Pat (I don’t know the others) are really great guys with a very positive attitude, and their module looks awesome!
I am more in favour of the Bo-105 but I am looking forward to the gazelle as well.
Mmmmm,Not sure what this means for The Polychop Team??
from DCS Forums…
"_Hi all,
I have been contacted by the CEO of Polychop and he asked me to publish the following statement:
Hi all,
Due to a restructuring of Polychop, we are very busy at the moment. Until internal legal issues are sorted out, we are unable to post any status. Nevertheless I can assure you all that the team is working hard on all open issues." https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=183142_