DCS: Spitfire Mk IX

Phew glad this showed up, I was starting to get worried :innocent:

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I actually posted it FIRST! :smiley:


Thatā€™s a very cool landing pattern!

Howe well does it do vs 109?

Depends on who is piloting each :wink:

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Nice job Matt.



now if only we had that map too :smiley:

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Best I can do till tonight unless it starts getting cloudy enough out for my TrackIR to work :smiley:


It looks wonderful in VR :vr: :slight_smile:


That was a beautiful landing!

I bet you wish you lived up here, north of the polar circleā€¦
I can tell you that there are no sun reflections here, right now!
In the summer thoughā€¦ :wink:


Iā€™ve experienced mid-July in Oslo, it was a balmy 10Ā°C and a temperature appropriate rain to match :smile: Yeah, I might skip the winter any further north.

Splendid. If that doesnā€™t get your heart pumping, we might as well shut the lid on your coffin. Youā€™re already dead. :smile:

109 AI doesnā€™t stand a chance vs Spit. Itā€™s a little monster for sure.

Osloā€¦ Yeah, 1h 50m by plane, due south from here. :wink:


Not being able to play DCS right now is killing me :confused:

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Just had time for a quick free flight session in VR. FWIW, I havenā€™t been too impressed with the WW2 3D pits in DCS. They seemed like they got a little better with each successive release, the FW190 being my favorite until now. Not that they were bad. Just less attention to detail than what we are now accustomed.

But the Spit looks like it was developed with VR in mind and is a wonderful thing to experience. Likewise, the Merlin sounds are quite immersive and when under Oculus hood, itā€™s not a difficult thing to get lost in the shear joy of flying.

Furthermore, the FM seems a little less like itā€™s on rails than the earlier offerings, say the Mustang for instance, but Iā€™ve obviously never flown a Spitfire (few have), and it would be great to hear a review from an actual Spit pilot. The Fighter Collection at Duxford has one, do they not? The roll rate seems about right for a WW2 era aircraft in that it requires some rudder applied to get the most out of the ailerons.

Looking forward to many hours submerged in this module.

Edit: BTW, the gunsight does not like the default ASW setting, so be ready to switch out of that mode if in VR. CTL-2 and 3 modes seem to work best. Still tweaking


We had a Mk. IX for several years, but later sold it. However, or director has hundreds of hours in the Mk. IX and was instrumental in getting the flight model and handling just right. There are just a couple of areas that we want to tweak a little.


Very nice Matt. Wonderful to hear of the connection during development.

Iā€™ve only had the pleasure of visiting Duxford one time back in '03. It was mid week during a trip to London with my wife, whom agreed to take a day seeing something other than the usual tourist destinations. Basically, I threatened to leave her :smiley: if we didnā€™t make the pilgrimage out to the historic RAF airfield. When we were parking the car, the unmistakable sound of a Merlin in full song could be heard. I jumped out of the car and was treated to a Spitfire making a fast low pass. For someone whom had never seen a Spitfire before, the sight and sounds of one being flown with gusto was as much as I could have wished for. The rest of the day in both the IWM and American Air museums were memorable to say the least.