In an infinite series of tools the community are making to keep DCS interesting, here’s an online web planning and mission viewer for DCS missions.
Tauntaun Live Editor is browser based collaborative mission planning tool for DCS events.
So what is it then? It’s a way to load up a DCS mission, display it on an online web map, and let people plan or update the mission collaboratively. For our recent DCS Liberation planning hijinks this saves having all of us install the Liberation client, as we can just use a browser, point at a server with this tool set up and go. Neat!
So to set up you can download a release and get it running. You will need a free Mapbox client token (effectively a key to be able to get the nice maps working).
So here’s how it looks when running, with this mission being our recent fling into WWII and Normandy using Liberation v3 preview. This does look like France.
The menu in the top left reveals some goodies:
Importantly you can see that I’m in an ‘Admin’ mode here (hey, it’s my box) so I can even save the DCS mission file back - this allows people to collaborate on the flight plan just using a browser.
One thing you can now do is then select who does what role, like this:
…so to join up like this:
Plus even change loadout for my chosen plane (I went for a mix of beer to give to the enemy this turn)
In ‘Commander Mode’ (epaulets not included) I can even add a whole flight
I’m having some trouble editing waypoints, but I’ll figure it out. There’s a decent wiki already on how to use this thing here:
Ah - I got it, if you are a flight lead (or Commander of course) you can move/add/edit waypoints and then save the mission back - nice!