So me, @fearlessfrog, and @Fridge hooked up yesterday to run some tests with Liberation in multiplayer mode. It is still a bit of a learning process…but we did manage to get into a mission on the Persian Gulf map. The general situation was a carrier, LHA, and one blue land base trying to attack Iranian forces that had taken up residence on the northern end of UAE.
To say the experience was awesome is an understatement. We all spawned in on the carrier in cold start slots and thankfully both @fearlessfrog and @Fridge share the common trait of being organized and comprehending the bigger pictures. So they managed to get us to the catapult and on our way to our rendezvous waypoint on time. We linked up with a pair of AI Harriers that had come off the LHA and escorted them on their strike against an SA-11 site.
The amount of traffic flying and on bases was incredible. And despite that…performance in VR was still very good. I did not choose to “cull” any objects outside of X-perimeter (a performance saving tool of Liberation) since our AO was pretty small anyway. But still…there had to be hundreds of units out doing things…and it all stayed very good on my computer.
We managed to intercept a group of F-4s (and another flight with them?)…I think four aircraft…allowing the Harriers to do their business. Later intel showed the SA-11 site reduced to about 20% capability (I think that puts it out of business functionally speaking). On the way back to our egress point it looked like the AI Harriers went into some sort of target-of-opportunity mode near the front lines and one of them either CFIT’d or got shot down by 57mm or something. I’m still unclear on what happened.
I will say that descending on the wing of the Harrier below the undercast and breaking out over the desert with dozens of fires burning at the FEBA was an incredible VR experience. We were all so jazzed that it was working.
We all survived the mission and came back to the boat. @Fridge and I managed to trap but then a weird incident prevented @fearlessfrog from coming aboard when the deck went foul as two Harriers spawned in on the cables. I think that was MY fault when setting up the campaign. You have like $2 billion dollars to spend on inventory. Though I selected auto-populate for the campaign, it still left me with some money…and if you don’t spend it on Turn 1, you lose it. So I just put a ton of Hornets and F-14s on the carrier, Harriers on the LHA, some E-2Cs and S-3s…but I unthinkingly put 8 Harriers on the carrier and I don’t think they are supposed to be there. I have since “sold” them…so hopefully that solves that problem.
I never actually looked at the kneeboard, but Liberation seemed to be really awesome with having all the frequencies, waypoints, times…everything looked great. I mean…I’m sure something so complex has errors and things that don’t make sense…but the overall feel was superb.
@fearlessfrog and I on the bow catapults…@Fridge was on the waist cat…
The mission was too busy to get any in-mission screens…so sorry about that. It was really cool flying in formation with the Harriers for a bit…wish I could have gotten a screenshot of that…
Me and @Fridge after recovering on the carrier…
A bit of the mission map…
@Fridge about to trap…
The Harrier spawn that had other aircraft stacking up and resulted in @fearlessfrog having to divert to the land base…