Deka JF-17 Thunder

So- I was wondering is Deka Ironworks included in DCS now or has to be downloaded separately?

You mean the DongGuo assets pack? Its in.

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Ha! Cool :smiley:

The SA provided by the JF-17 is really quite something.


Wowza. Cool.
Loved the crickets sound… :stuck_out_tongue:

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Didn’t realize it’s something of a Franken fighter. The laser guided rockets look pretty cool.


That is going to be a very popular module on the Red side in multiplayer.


Undoubtedly, though I’m sure there are going to be plenty of Red side “Purists” that will complain about it and won’t touch it because its not a true Red aircraft, and not Russian. Their loss I guess.


It’ll be a big deal. I prefer the quirkiness of the Red planes and helicopters. But I even more prefer to fly Blue because I don’t like the Flaming Cliffs level of cockpit simplicity. The Mirage sort of compensated on those servers that allowed it to be “red”. The Deka will be a step up of sorts. Its not for me though. I will stick with what I know.


Any news on a pre-order? Unusual there’s nothing with (supposedly) 4 days to release.

I haven’t been looking forward to a DCS aircraft this much since the F-14 (and the commonality is that they both were/will be mostly feature complete on launch, hmm. . . :thinking:).

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Really dig the way this plane looks. It’s like a cross between a Hornet, Viper and Tornado.

Cockpit also looks slick. I haven’t picked up the Viper yet, but this one will be day one.

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Unfortunately I think you are correct. But ED IMHO could make some changes to make the DCS Lite Russian aircraft more fun and dare I say immersive?

I myself also do enjoy the Red aircraft because of what you just said, the difference in design and ergonomics in the cockpit. A completely alien RWR, radar system and how it is shown on the MFD and HUD. The very different flight models of the Mig-29s and Su-27, Su-33s, so much fun.

However, I do think ED could make some changes to those DCS Light modules by the following; dare i say small changes?

  • Allow the ability to set programs for chaff and flares. I don’t know if you can do this in the real aircraft modeled but I’m assuming you can, why not incorporate that into the key commands and show one doing this by animated buttons in the cockpit? They do have some animations of switches moving etc. already. More adds immersion.

  • When switching between HUD modes how about have some sort of delay implemented before everything is set up for example in BVR mode. By that I mean the pilot “pushes the number 2 button” and before the HUD changes and weapons are ready you see several switches on the weapons panel move showing the pilot’s workload in setting up the attack mode? Would kind of simulate the pilot’s workload in the aircraft wouldn’t it? Again, adding a little immersion to a DCS Light module. The same would go for the other modes when setting them up.

  • Get rid of that horrible big green circle for the Helmet Mounted Sight (HMS) and put in the actual model of the sight. I may be wrong but I believe it would be the same exact thing or close to it that we have in the Black Shark. I want that eye reticle and not the big green ugly circle. Again, with the delay implementation when the pilot switches to Schlem mode there would be a couple of seconds delay, switches moving on the weapons panel and then you’d see the shadow of the reticle come down over your LOS and wallah, you have the proper reticle and HUD mode ready to go.

Again, small things IMHO that ED could do to spice up those DCS Light models of the Russian aircraft. But then again, what do I know? I’m not a programmer and I don’t know how much work that would be. Just my thoughts on the issue I’ve had for quite some time now.

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I guess there will be none. It will go straight to release ( Dec 4th !? ) .

Regarding the DCS FC3 modules I would wait to see what happens with them after MAC release … maybe nothing … who knows.


On Discord Nineline talk about JF-17 ground radar use ED ground radar API.


That’s very good news for the Blue side then!

Some reading

Google Drive link:


Awesome! Thanks Chuck!

Some nice little details in the start up. Really wish ED would pick up on some of the little details the Third Parties have been adding, it would really add to their work.


The “Tubers” have started getting it - that must mean release is imminent.