Is that cockpit still WIP? Seems awfully flat.
Cockpit textures are still WIP, whatever they don’t complete by launch day, they’ll fix after launch.
Here’s a great overview. Gotta say, I’m just loving the all glass instruments. Seeing ground radar on one giant screen with targeting pod on the other is just awesome. Definitely day one for me. And I just installed the slew upgrade on my Warthog too. Perfect.
From that video, I would say first day purchase. However i am soo backed up w aircraft to learn
Gah… must… resist…
Three words.
Laser Guided Rockets.
Two more words.
Ground Radar (using EDs own tech evidently words in parens don’t count)
Last words.
Designate target with ground radar. Slew targeting pod displayed on OLED big screen TV MFD with HDR. Decide against firing laser guided rockets in favor of man in the middle missile.
Also, Deka seems to have a wonderful sense of humor. That’s worth some gold right there in this community.
edit: things I’m curious about.
Does antiradiation missile have bigger warhead than harm.
Can you designate multiple ground targets and then step through them using laser guided rockets. Evidently, these are tank busters (probably going to get nerfed) and you can carry about a bajillion of them.
F-20 Design, Ran through a “Auto-Stealth” CAD Plugin to adjust the shape/
MIG-29 Engine
F-16 Cockpit And Avionics (w/ Upgrades)
Interesting, I hadn’t really paid attention to this one. Definitely interested in it now!
The number one defeat method for the JF-17 is going to be to try and run it out of gas, especially in mission design as a method to limit their effectiveness.
Also, will it have have a SARH missile available?
Don’t. This module is awesome. I can’t stop flying it.
That will be fun. In fact, dare I say that I love the Harrier and Hornet for just some of those reasons among many. You really have to watch your fuel consumption when in those aircraft. Makes for some tense flying. Also, glad though we have Air-2-Air refueling in those aircraft provided that doesn’t scare you.
That was one of the biggest things I remember about F4. In the F-16 if you didn’t have external tanks, a tanker, or a real close runway, you were in serious danger of running out gas. Certainly kept you on your toes and required good mission planning.
I really remember that most about Jane’s F-15. Tanking on the way in to the target, tanking on the way out. Very lean on fuel on some missions… Fun stuff!
Fuel management was one of the most stressful and challenging parts of the Operation Vengeance mission we, the 352ndVFG, used to fly annually using IL-2 1946. Getting from Henderson to the shoot down point over Bougainville and back to the Russell Islands was almost a given, if you didn’t take any damage from flak near Kahili airfield, but if you pushed on to Henderson you ran a real good chance of running out of fuel about twenty miles out and having to try and glide the rest of the way.
Take off with heavy load and external bags, but little internal fuel, just enough to light the burners and peel off the runway near the end, get in the air, then fill up the internal tanks, get close to target area, repeat, hit targets, repeat, head home, repeat.
Purchased and installing now… New shoes!
Nice pair of shoes Looking forward to how it will be utilized on online servers. This is the new RED full fidelity module so it can get interesting online I guess ( or maybe not ).