Discourse Has Been Updated

The site Discourse version has been update to: 3.3.0.beta2-dev

It was a bit of a struggle, and it was down for longer than I hoped. Every time I try this is seems to want to go sideways, which makes me want to do it less. As I get older ‘working’ is better than ‘new’ :slight_smile:

Apologies for the unexpected downtime.


Talking in general about software updates:
Yeah in this kind of things we are much tempted to go to the new version. Supposed some bugs fixed and new features. The problem is that many times its only rounded corners icons, with different color interface, and for that comes a new API, more heavy, incompatible with older browsers and devices etc etc.
Sadly this happens manytimes with many softwares. Sometimes it looks like obsolescence pre-scheduled…

Once again thank you @Fridge for your constant attention and work behind the scenes keeping things updated.


I understand that sentiment but if you do not stay fairly current with the updates you will reach a point where you are unable to update the site. Couple of sites forums that I still frequent will very probably end up going by the wayside when their current forum software completely quits working with the net browsers.

Plus, Thank you for your dedicated work keeping the site running. :sunglasses:

@fearlessfrog doing ok, seems to have been on a fairly long hiatus.


I wonder if his dogs finally took over the whole house and have him penned up. :smile: I miss him too.

And yes, thank you @Fridge for keeping us up and running. I’m slowing “normalizing”… I still haven’t plugged my HOTAS in…probably been over 7 or 8 months now maybe. Getting there. I love the community here…and if the site has to fold at some point due to reaching a level of unsustainability…that will be OK too…but hopefully we can all find a spot to congregate. I hope that doesn’t happen…but understand if it reaches that point with regards to hassles keeping us up and running.


Nonononoooo!!! Don’t give him that option!
Just keep feeding @fridge his cookies and the site will be fine…! :wink:


Mudspike is too big to fail. No downplaying by its founders nor wall-banging by its maintainer can bring it down now. Face it, all of you, you’re stuck with this thing. And in the unlikely event that I outlive any of you I will scratch “www.mudspike.com” on your tombstone just to make sure it gets the last word.