Well, it’s not DOS game, but still 20+ years old, developed for Windows 95/98. It lets you fly Longbow Apache or Havoc in Georgia, Cuba and Thailand in dynamic campaigns. How long since we get that in DCS?
Since the Havoc is in active service in Russia and not just a quasi prototype as the BS, i don’t see much of a chance of seeing it in DCS soon.
I loved that game. Couldn’t get the Gog version to work on my pc though. Worked fine on my old laptop but my Pc just wouldn’t have it. Such a great heli game. Made me fall in love with the Havoc
I also had problems with it on modern system - easy solution is to remove all the compatibility options from the exe that GOG forces and use dgVoodoo DirectX wrapper. Works in higher resolutions too!
I was referring more to the Apache. Since you can fly in Georgia in EEAH, DCS came to mind…
Maaan, so smooth.
Also love the strategic engine…
I have the highly modded version with the Hind and other maps and numerous graphical improvements. Looks like almost 2008 instead of 1998/2000!
I’ve not touched the mods in years, but it seems the site has moved here:
There are 9 helicopters modeled in the game that are flyable with their own cockpits, and seven of those have 3D cockpits. On the Blue side, these are the AH-64A Apache, AH-64D Apache Longbow, the RAH-66 Comanche, the AH-1Z Viper, and the OH-58D Kiowa. On the Red side, these are the Ka-52 “Hokum B”, the Ka-50 “Black Shark”, the Mi-28N “Havoc”, and the Mi-24V Hind. All other helicopters in the game are flyable, but they use a ‘default’ cockpit from the Apache A.
It had a nice historical presentation with the interviews and musuems.
I am unable to remember the website at the moment but it seems to me that up until two or three years ago there was a really nice website dedicated to the Jane’s series of sims. Could have sworn I did a thread mentioning its demise.
Please let me know if you remember it, perhaps it would be possible to have a look at it through wayback machine. I’m curious.
I remember a thread with the demise of a website but… Wasn’t it the DCS files/Flaming cliffs one?
Here is the site I was thinking about when I posted last night.
The site was taken down in late 2016. What is left of the forums was only archived until 2010.
Remember Wings of Fury? The guy working on Tiny Combat Arena took a week off from TCA and put together this little gem in 7 days. Wow.
Get it here:
Another classic from Jane’s and Andy Hollis’ team:
Finally got it working right with the help of PCem v17.
Interesting, can you share the details about configs and how you did with pcem? Thanks