Falcon BMS 4.33

When NB says 2+ J11’s thats because we have no earthly idea how many were actually there in the dogfight. There were many, and after I gunned one and he flew one into the ground, THERE WERE STILL MORE


love it

@Klarsnow helping me back to base after a lucky 100mm shell knocked out my jet’s electrical system

Rando traffic around the base

So that’s the Sea of Galilee, and that’s a non-amphibious mechanized unit travelling across it…

@Klarsnow, @AeroMechanical and @Gunnyhighway looking for MiGs

@Klarsnow and @AeroMechanical forming up for landing.


So is this actually going to be a thing? I have the original falcon 4.0 box, and well (without sounding like an insensitive person). Is the dance for BMS going to have me punching my monitor and will the graphics make me purge my lunch. Or are those naïve thoughts akin to the world is still square?

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The terrain is very dated, I thought I wouldn’t be able to get past that. The systems modeling and the graphics of the f16 itself make me not even notice it. JHMCS can make me forgive such graphical atrocities as flat cities and sat image water.

Nice screens NB. I brought my install up to U5, added the alternate launcher, and took a quick spin. It looked better than I remembered with the new clouds, and I can definitely see the appeal regardless of the low mesh resolution. Now wish that I wasn’t going to be AFK for a week.

A year ago, yes. Now with the U5 updates, alternative launcher, and host of Mudspike subject matter experts to walk you through it? Time consuming but worth it, IMO. :sunglasses:

The graphics are dated, especially at low altitudes, but if you play with forcing modern options via your graphics card settings and ReShade you can still get it looking alright. I guarantee you can get them looking good enough that you won’t care anyway when flying with a coordinated 4 ship in campaign with friends.



I’m late to the falcon party, but when I got it on sale for like 4 dollars last year, I really couldn’t get past the terrain issues. I’ve played more BMS in the last 3 days then I ever had, and never even noticed the ground because I was too busy trying not to die and stay with the flight, because I never leave my wingman. Unless I’m blind, in which case you’re on your own.


I guarantee you wont care much about any sim with a coordinated 4 ship in campaign :slight_smile:

I mean without the good company there is realy not much for me in the combat sims except for some DF here and there. I am definitely not a lonewolf.

That said if the coordinated 4 ship in campaign will be a thing in any sim on regular basis I would be happy to join.