Q: What is the plan?
A: Simulated flights, same date, same time. From an origin to a destination. Possibly with close to real-time Screens and AARs!
Q: How and when does it start?
A: Anyone can initiate/organise a virtual get together flight.
Q: What is needed to initiate/organise a virtual get together flight?
A: Flight preparation and announcement:
Real date
Take-off time (Z/UTC) and flight duration
Flight sim, either MSFS2020 or MSFS2024 (combined not yet possible online) (XP11/12 do not have such online possibility) (VATSIM and other online options require too much “overhead” for these flights)
Departure airport (including ramp/terminal/runway in use/…)
Destination (can be airport, heliport, ship, lake, river, road, building, …)
I’ll be there at 2025-01-12T19:00:00Z (This is a magic datetime widget that displays in the local time for everyone, you can add it through the calendar icon above the text editor.
Shall we meet on Mudspike Discord or do you have your own Teamspeak server @Roughskirt ? You can find the Mudspike Discord through the button in the top bar of the forum.
Great idea! Y’all have fun with it. Perhaps I’ll jump into the discord channel and say hello. Unfortunately, I’m an X-Plane guy so I sit this out.
Thanks for organising and the great location + sim time pick! Beautiful vistas, low speeds and a short enroute made it very enjoyable and accessible. Hope more people join next time!
Ans thanks for saying hi in DC @Stormy801 ! Nice to hear your voice