Flight Following and Short AAR Thread

Unfortunately, I was using that hotfix when I received the exception. I’ve sent Slopey my company db, and he is taking a look. I sure do like how quickly that he provides support in his forum.

Having a really dyslexic morning and posted my flight update in the new MAD aircraft thread. Relocating here.

About last night…

Woke up in Shleton, WA this morning sharing my pillow with a very large ant. Had a Twinkie and FBO coffee breakfast and was rewarded with 450 over. With a destination field elevation of 344, that would give me about 100 ft to work with. Did I mention that my IFR chops are currently non-existent and this would be below my personal minimums anyway? What to do but scud run! Bought some fuel and got the heck out of Dodge.

The actual ceiling was around 550. The terrain feature of the GTN750 was very much appreciated, even if my destination field was not in the database. I Fly Vallies.

I also fly power lines.

Finally on final and get the “your DG is 1 degree off magnetic” message. Disabled.

We get down OK but during cargo offloading get an exception error and no credit for delivering the beef. F-me. :unamused: Oh well, early days and to be expected I suppose.