FSEconomy - Mudspike Air Delivery Rebirth

definitely. did few flights also with NF. all these plugins have their pros and cons.

actually remembered FSE pass so had a quick look. MAD is still a thing. even I have still some money in my virt pocket.
btw there is Boeing 247 available for rent in California… obviously ready for the Bendix Trophy and to earn some virt cash along the track :smile:


Awesome! So funny you mention this- I actually was poking around FSE for MSFS out of curiosity a little bit last night- I think I need to reset my password, as I think I lost that with my old system. I’ll take a look though and see what planes work with what I have.

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I’d been fairly regular with FSE until things got busy a few months ago. Mainly helicopter stuff around the portions of Alaska that I’ve orthoed. The cool thing about FSX (which I have yet to buy) over XP is that presumably friends can fly missions together by splitting the load.

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Not sure if you have any of those but FSE works with many different flightsim (X-Plane, FSX, P3D) :wink:

the aircraft listed above are just the ones the company owns but really, you can fly anything you want.
If I remember correctly I brought in the C172 and the C208 and I wouldn’t mind selling them if someone wants to buy another aircraft. The C208 is usually quite popular with rentals, tho.

@smokinhole is the Bell 412 yours?

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Definitely interested. The only thing I dislike about FSE is the fact that you have to fly everything from A to B all the time.
Sounds obvious, I know, but I mean that unlike Skypark, you cannot just pick a place and haul some stuff there because the weather is interesting (for example).
If your aircraft is at A, you need to start there.

Otherwise the whole concept is great. And even better if you are working at a company with several real people!

Where can I sign up to join MAD? (I already have an FSE accnt)

EDIT: Nevermind, found it. My handle is Yskonyn

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@Yassy, I got an email from FSE asking to let you into the group. I had no idea I wielded such power! I also have no idea what my pw is and this approval will need to wait until I get home tonight.

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No worries. I am stuck in a hotel layover without FS anyway. Won’t be back for another few days either. Take your time.

Nope. I think it’s leased.

I see all planes are X-Plane. Does this mean I cannot fly any of those in MSFS?
If that is the case, how can I add some FS birds to our hangar?

Where do you see that?
As far as I can tell, beside the TBM, they are all platform agnostic and can be used in your sim of choice.

It’s ours, only the DC-3 is leased.

XP11 Airbus A300 flash sale

From looking at the assets overview on the FSE webpage. All aircraft have a coloumn where XPlane is listed, but if you tell me they are sim agnostic I won’t worry about it. :slight_smile:

Any priorities in tasks we want to do? I’d like us to get a 737 so we can start using PMDg’s bird.

@Yassy, I changed you to “staff” as that seemed to be how everyone was labeled when the group was briefly active 2 years ago.

Thank you! Do we still have bigger goals to work towards or has it all fizzled out? And needing a reset?
FSE really shines with a group making an effort.

Not much in the form of long time goals at this point. Right now I’m just trying to bring in some $ to make up for the $130k we accumulated in ownership fees. I was also planning to relocate some of our birds to more popular airports.

Unfortunately you can’t own large airliners like the B737 or the A320. They can only be flown with “All-In” jobs.

Roger. Pilot fees are set to 50%. Perhaps lower that to 30/70 or 40/60 for a while.
Hopefully more people will join the effort again.

Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been quite busy and had some issue with my internet. I looked into the pilot fees but I think only the group owner can edit those.
I saw @Gunnyhighway has been quite active lately so we can ask him.

I would love to get back into it but we would need some kind of goal. I don’t really care about v$ and I don’t mind grinding if you guys want to buy some pricey aircraft or FBO.

I’m on break until XP12 drops. After that I will continue to helicopter my way around AK. Honestly, the FBO thing doesn’t really work in my case because the spokes emanating from it are pretty limited given the short range of a helicopter. That’s why going point to point is so much fun. If we could actually see each other as might be the case with MSFS, then I could see the enjoyment of Hub-ing.

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I’m down to make the payouts whatever you guys want, I usually donate all the money I make straight into the MAD bank account anyway. Were sitting ~300k at the moment. We lost both the FBOs when we went dormant for a while. I’ve only been flying MSFS now, the global scenery has caused me to uninstall XP despite the excellent flight modeling XP provided in some of the 3rd party planes. Luckily the TBM, King Air, and 208 is compatible with the planes we bought, though I do miss the Quest Kodiak.

If you guys want to buy an FBO and start another fuel empire, let me know. Otherwise I’ll just keep stacking the money up. I’ve been flying long hauls in the MSFS free Cessna jet, can make 15-20k pretty quickly. I usually hand fly the departure, and then time accelerate to the arrival (or just let it run while I’m working), essentially skipping the “boring” time.


Nice to see you @Gunnyhighway. Hope you are ok and life is good for you mate