GPU Thread

I’ll find out soon :slight_smile: I know the 5080 isn’t getting the most stellar of reviews when it is being compared to the likes of the 4000 and 3000 series but I am sure it will be a big upgrade to me. I should have it within 2 weeks.


Incentives. The ‘general public’ rewards this behavior.

My Bovine Scatology filter has been refined over the years. Yes, I have Trust issues :slight_smile:

I periodically go through my subscribed list (YTube) and clean out those with:

  • Too much hyperbole: “…destroys”, “…goes quiet”, “…owns”, etc in the subject…this list get pretty long.
  • Too many shorts
  • Verbosity (depending on the topic)

Keeps it pretty quiet.
Likely I am not the consumer ‘they’ want me to be.

“The few, the proud, the Marines”. :wink:

Not sure if they aren’t actually the buyer, though… :wink:

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Yup, I know what you mean.

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Congrats man, I feel you’re in for a treat.

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I watched part of it and then skimmed through the rest. It’s superficial CPU benchmarking with a sensationalist title and thumbnail. Usually I avoid videos like that and even go out of my way to tell youtube that I am not interested to keep my feed clean when this kind of stuff shows up in the recommended feed but Freaks comment made me go skim through it because I wanted to see what CPU’s he used. I am with troll and smokeinhole here in regards to this kind of content delivery, not a fan. And yes, testing an 8 y/o CPU with a flagship graphicscard (or rather saying that he’s benching a GPU with an 8y/o CPU) is simply silly. There’s no valuable information to be gained with it. If you want to know which upgrade is best for you then have a look at CPU benchmarks at your resolution first. That tells you exactly whether you are better off upgrading your CPU or GPU.
Gamersnexus for example has a huge and growing database of CPU benchmarks on their website, going back to ryzen 2000 series iirc and similarly old intel cpu’s. They most likely have your exact CPU model included in their data base.

As a rule of thumb: if you are playing on 1440p or lower resolutions a CPU upgrade is more likely to have a bigger effect than if you are playing at 4k or even in VR and if you are playing at high resolutions or in VR a GPU upgrade is more likely to have a bigger effect, but of course if you are more than two or three CPU generations behind a completely new build might be the best option. I would say that if you are on anything as old as an i9 9900k/10900k or 3700X a cpu upgrade is absolutely worthwhile. The nice thing about the AM4 platform is that most likely you can simply do a BIOS update, stick a 5700X3D in your system and get an absolutely massive CPU upgrade that should even keep a 4080/5080 reasonably happy in 4k even if it’s not ideal.

For example my 9800X3D absolutely rips in 3440x1440p, delivering about 20fps more in DCS which means I can now run DCS at a constant 144fps without issue (it’s a rough figure only, I rarely do anything in 2D except for mission building) while the effect in VR is pretty minimal compared to my old 5900X, only giving a more stable framerate for the most part and maybe 5fps more with the exception being Afghanistan where I have some massive gains when flying at low level around Camp Bastion for example.

In my case a new GPU would have been a much bigger boost in VR but since I was planning to get a completely new system anyway I decided to do the new build and wait for the 5090 (I did not manage to get one today but I’m in no rush, I have the money ready and will order as soon as they are available again). Lowering the resolution to 1080p will probably give an even bigger performance boost in DCS but I don’t see any reason to try that as I am now at my monitors refresh rate (144Hz/fps) and don’t play in 2D anyway.


Same old same old. The scalpers are out in force, and only availability is Ebay at inflated prices…


As expected unfortunately. I’ll just wait

Gamers Nexus reporting very small deliveries of both 5090 and 5080, at least in North America.

Top comment was (when I watched it): “nvidia should have used DLSS to increase the availability” :joy::smile::sob:


yes I seen the video most were delivered to reviewers and such… yes use DLSS and frame generation…

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“Most” might have been an exaggeration, but less than 1000 units to Microcentre seems doomed to sell out almost instantly…

well either way not many were delivered at all. I would say this all stinks. your going to tell me nVidia did not realise what the market would purchase worldwide. it has to be in the hundred of thousands.

Do we know how many GPU’s were manufactured?


Like most businesses, once they become what is basically a monopoly they don’t care.

Good will & brand/customer loyalty doesn’t mean jack when there are very limited alternatives because they know that they are going to make a profit regardless.

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@Derbysieger…Yes! This is why I love Mudspike and generally hate YouTube. In 3 minutes I read a post that taught me much that I didn’t previously know.


In Germany, the shop that got the FE cards had the links active but not public 30min before the official launch. Guess what happened? Yup, bots caught wind of it and the cards were gone within minutes, sold out between 14:24 and 14:27 CET, 33 minutes before they were supposed to start selling…

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