Hands-on with Quest 3 headset shows Meta's going all in on mixed reality

Honestly once I tried it, I kicked myself for wasting so much time being reluctant to spend the money for it.

Some free clickbait:


There is already a really good virtual desktop built into the Quest Link dashboard, so I’m not really sure what this gives you. I use it every time I’m in VR. I have a 3440 x 1440 wide curved screen monitor and the Quest Link desktop emulates that perfectly in VR. The output is crisp and vey useable.

Edit: I see that the wireless version of Virtual Desktop lets you access your PC remotely, which would be a handy feature for travelers. Really @fearlessfrog, must you keep referring to it as VD? :rofl:


Thanks @HiFlyer for the video. That helped explain what it brings to an already good ecosystem. I probably won’t use it unless I find a need to get unwired. Nice to know what it does and better see why others find it indispensable.

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So, I’m kind of tempted. My Reverb G2 is performing just fine, but the wider IPD range (I’m right at the limit of the G2 at 68mm), wider FOV, stand alone capability if I’m away from my PC, etc… :thinking:

My concerns are the battery life (my sessions are usually under 2 hours but it seems kind of limiting)… I guess the strap with the extra battery is the answer there… anything else I should be concerned about?


I know what you mean Paul. I’m not going to preorder so might even pop into a Best Buy for a ‘bathe in other peoples face bacterial’ and try it out in real life. On second thoughts, I might just do the usual Amazon thing and then see that way - we get Amazon delivery same day here.

Also, the good people here will hopefully give some good feedback on the 10th.


hmmm… Amazon. They are showing that they can deliver to my house on the 10th… and I get home from a trip on the 9th. :smile:


For me the only two reasons I went Quest 2 were the price point and the fact that our VR options are quite limited here in Japan. You can order stuff from the US, but then you’re hit with sales tax at customs and you’re SoL with customer support if anything goes wrong later down the road.

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I’m with you and Paul. I’m tempted…but also pretty happy with the G2 still. And I don’t know that I have the horsepower to run things and charge things and all that. I’m still hanging on to my 2080Ti…mostly because I don’t know that I can jam something better into this small form factor tower (a have a tiny MSI computer). The pancake lenses are what is kind of appealing to me maybe… If I could play VTOL VR without a PC connection it would be an instant sale for me… I’ve looked at the Meta library of stuff and I’m really not too interested in most of that stuff. 99% of my VR time is spent in a cockpit.

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Interesting that UserBenchmark says my 2080Ti is still comparable to a 4060 and close to a 4070. Makes me feel OK with that expensive purchase long ago…

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Meta is pretty much Beat Saber 24/7. They are offering a RPG (I forget the name) free with the headset. But I am with you, the Meta library is pretty lame. Due probably to the relative low horsepower under the hood (compared to a PC). If Steam/Valve can pack the Deck engine into a standalone headset, that would be a winner. I would buy it as a 2nd headset just for more casual play.

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I’m still trying to distill down the reasons for ME to buy it.

  1. G2 could die any day.
  2. Basically the same resolution…but with (edge to edge?) clarity of the G2.
  3. Clarity but will the image degrade over cable…so will it ultimately be worth it?
  4. WMR…I sort of have it working good I guess…but might be a dead-end platform
  5. Not a fan of Meta/FB…don’t have an account except for maybe my old Oculus CV1 account…which I suppose might be dead?
  6. On the road use…I always think I will…but rarely do unless I’m away for training for a long period.
  7. Money…do I really want to spend money right now?
  8. EMF - Another emitter in the house to destroy the brains of loved ones (don’t ask)…

Hmm…I just don’t know. I guess wait for reviews here.


I just preordered it. I’ll be replacing my G2. I’ll let you know how it compares! Frankly, I always like the Oculus presentation better than WMR, and all the talk about how good the lenses are with no sweet spot sold me. I did buy via Amazon though, in case it’s not worth the money.

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Awesome. What graphics card will you be using with it? I’ve also heard on some forums that there is a case to be made that upgrading a graphics card so you can push the pixel density can also be a consideration when using something like the G2. I’m sure there is a dollars / pixels / ease of use / upgrade cost diagram where all the lines meet but I have no idea where that would be.

Shiny and new has an appeal that is hard to value though. I’m so tempted.

I have the same issue. Always wish I had, but rarely think to grab it, or have a spot to put it.

Question: I’ve always shied away from exposing expensive/important (to me) consumer electronics to relative vacuum FL450 in the baggage compartment. Ours is heated, so no worries about temperature, but I worry about longevity of capacitors, transistors and chips at that altitude.

I have places to stick my laptop in the cabin, but a whole headset takes up closet space that might be needed for pax baggage. (One reason to be jealous of your PC24! :grin:)

Does anyone have any experience with high-end laptops/VR headsets being exposed to high altitude (40-45K’) for hours at a time repeatedly?

3080ti. I will try and note my before and after FPS along with apparent picture quality.

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Part of your order…?

It looks like that is the accessory blue “Facial Interface & Head Strap” that I ordered. The headset is due on the 11th. Note that I live in a gated community and may be well armed. :rofl:


I see! I wondered if they split the headset in two or something :wink:

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