February 10, 2019, 11:59pm
I was going to do this as a video but felt it was too long (~12min) so here’s some pictures instead:
All done from an unsaved mission in the editor, so straight up single player; open beta install.
Waypoint B1, M2, B3, and LS for airfield.
Plan cycled to 23 in the kneeboard (I think).
Cartridge inserted.
Select REF LOLA, computer to IN, code 9099, load cartridge, wait til load, then cycle to out and normal computer mode. Master mode to NAV, waypoint should show as LS on the field.
Once in air, all good:
Forgive any errors in all this, since I rely heavily on my kneeboard for Viggen operation, I’m fudging a lot of the stuff to “I know this works.”
OK…got it. Thanks a million.
I’ve read through it and think I may see where I went wrong. I’ll go through it word-by-word, ste-by-step tomorrow. I don’t need to tell this crowd that, when dealing with computers, even the smallest error means it won’t work. If somebody could build an intuitive computer that knows what you are trying to do, despite your mistakes, they’d make a mint.
February 11, 2019, 6:05am
That’s what autocorrect was supposed to be, and we all know how well that has turned out.
Turkey! (Gosh darn autocorrect). Correction; Truly!
This is where I am messing up. I bring up the kneeboard but…how does one select program 23?
Anyway, punching in the geocodes using LOLA isn’t that hard.
1 Like
February 12, 2019, 6:30am
LAlt + LCtrl + C I think cycles plans backwards, you might have to check your keybinds as it’s nestled in there somewhere.
1 Like
Ahhhh…so that’s what they meant regarding the key bindings…I shall give it another try…the Mig-15 shall have to wait another day.
EDIT: It works! Only one problem. It worked all the other times I tried it too. And it saved all of those F10 generated missions. And they were essentially all the same. So…I’ve got to figure out where all that data is stored and clean it out.
But at last it works.
EDIT 2: Not only does it work, but if you do an ELINT collection it auto-generates a strike mission against the radar! Sierra Hotel (or its Swedish translation)
; This cartridge has been exported from DCS.
cartridgename = Autogenerated search for ELINT #1
; .ini files seems to allow at most around 160 characters per definition.
cartridgeinfo = This is an autogenerated mission.|You will search for a radar-transmitter|that has been discovered in previous mission.||Target:|ELINT #1
cartridgeinfoext = ||Search area:|45040 x 3310||Stand-off distance:|7000
; 042:14:33 042:02:15
latitude = 42.2427
longitude = 42.0377
; 000000
missiontime = 0
velocity = 204
etalocked = false
velocitylocked = false
istargetpoint = false
; 042:37:43 041:59:19
latitude = 42.6287
longitude = 41.9889
; 000000
missiontime = 0
velocity = 204
etalocked = false
velocitylocked = false
istargetpoint = false
; 042:20:05 041:51:42
latitude = 42.3347
longitude = 41.8617
; 000000
missiontime = 0
velocity = 204
etalocked = false
velocitylocked = false
istargetpoint = false
; 042:41:51 041:54:48
latitude = 42.6976
longitude = 41.9135
; 000000
missiontime = 0
velocity = 204
etalocked = false
velocitylocked = false
istargetpoint = false
; 042:42:23 041:47:56
latitude = 42.7066
longitude = 41.7991
; 000000
missiontime = 0
velocity = 204
etalocked = false
velocitylocked = false
istargetpoint = false
; 042:45:59 041:50:16
latitude = 42.7665
longitude = 41.838
; 000000
missiontime = 0
velocity = 204
etalocked = false
velocitylocked = false
istargetpoint = false
; 042:14:33 042:02:15
latitude = 42.2427
longitude = 42.0377
; 000000
missiontime = 0
velocity = 204
etalocked = false
velocitylocked = false
istargetpoint = false
; 042:41:51 041:54:48
latitude = 42.6976
longitude = 41.9135
; 000000
missiontime = 0
velocity = -1
etalocked = false
velocitylocked = false
istargetpoint = false
; 042:41:51 041:54:48
latitude = 42.6976
longitude = 41.9135
; 000000
missiontime = 0
velocity = -1
etalocked = false
velocitylocked = false
istargetpoint = false
; 042:26:34 041:46:18
latitude = 42.443
longitude = 41.7719
; 000000
missiontime = 0
velocity = -1
etalocked = false
velocitylocked = false
istargetpoint = false
; 042:35:06 041:43:30
latitude = 42.585
longitude = 41.7251
; 000000
missiontime = 0
velocity = -1
etalocked = false
velocitylocked = false
istargetpoint = false
; 042:14:38 041:43:26
latitude = 42.244
longitude = 41.724
; 000000
missiontime = 0
velocity = -1
etalocked = false
velocitylocked = false
istargetpoint = false
; 042:14:27 041:45:49
latitude = 42.241
longitude = 41.7637
; 000000
missiontime = 0
velocity = -1
etalocked = false
velocitylocked = false
istargetpoint = false
; 042:38:30 041:49:12
latitude = 42.6419
longitude = 41.8202
; 000000
missiontime = 0
velocity = -1
etalocked = false
velocitylocked = false
istargetpoint = false
; 042:38:42 041:46:48
latitude = 42.645
longitude = 41.7803
; 000000
missiontime = 0
velocity = -1
etalocked = false
velocitylocked = false
istargetpoint = false
February 12, 2019, 6:30pm
That would be Sigurd Helge.
Yes, we have our own phonetic alphabet…
You guys don’t want to hear the Italian one…
February 13, 2019, 9:52am
Well, now we do…!
I didn’t think Italians had a pure phonetic alphabet. Surely it must be gesture assisted?
Har har har!
EDIT: You’ve already seen them apparently!
Archer…on the importance of using a phonetic alphabet.
FYI I’ve completely overhauled the Viggen guide for those who might want a long read during the Holidays. Chuck's Guides
Page count went a bit out of control I’m afraid.
December 26, 2020, 9:57am
Love it!
You have truly outdone yourself!
One complaint… That JA 37 cutaway. That just won’t do, I’m afraid…
This one’s from a better copy of the AJS SFI.
Great work @Chuck_Owl !! Fantastic!!
1 Like
November 18, 2023, 3:25am
Somebody has to do it - digging this one up.
The Viggen is screamin’ through the internet inbound to my harddisk as I speak [type] - likely down really low too.
Had too…when I realized it was a mid-cold war era jet. There aren’t many of those on the NATO side, pre 1975-ish.
Wow! They still had some Viggens for sale? I thought I had crashed them all.
November 18, 2023, 1:54pm
They are reconditioned airframes from the insurance company.
“reconditioned”…just like your car will be when you get it back. Too soon?