Heatblur F-14 and Forrestal Update

From what I can tell, there isn’t. Take the following as an example.

This was aboard the USS Independence in mid/late 90s iirc. Anyhow Forrestals don’t have jet blast deflectors for Catapult 4. The Tomcat in back has taxi’d too far forward, and as the aircraft on the cat throttles up, the nose is blown over the aft end of the deck. Both crew eject (they were rescued), however the engines are still running and posed a threat to crew and other aircraft. An enlisted man actually jumped off the deck into the cockpit of the Tomcat, and shut down the engines by moving the still functioning throttle back over the idle detents.

You can read the account from the Ship’s paper here:

Also, as no one involved was killed, “WE’RE GETTING BLOWN! AGH AGGGH! AGGGGH!” is probably my favorite piece of radio chatter ever

There’s also the example of the F-14B ejection I talked about in the GPS thread, and I don’t know if it’s ever happened in an F-14, but I’ve read least one story of an F-8 doing a complete loop and nearly hit its carrier post ejection.