Ok, like a phoenix from the flames, the chat lives on. So far so good.
If anyone see’s anything weird going on with having to keep signing in (i.e. being logged out) then let me know here on message @staff and we’ll see what’s up.
Ok, like a phoenix from the flames, the chat lives on. So far so good.
If anyone see’s anything weird going on with having to keep signing in (i.e. being logged out) then let me know here on message @staff and we’ll see what’s up.
Hell yeah!
Thanks - fixed up now.
How about the site predicting the next lotto numbers…I could use that
Otherwise more pictures of f111 may suffice
Two admittedly good suggestions.
Nice addition with the last visit marker on the latest posts page.
Fixed it for you.
Well, in fairness, there’s nothing else to do out there in Lubbock.
That can work…
Does the term “Funbags” still work nowadays?
Sure do …
I lke it here, I love it here, I finally found a home. No useless ranting and no fussing about ED. This is a nice site. Everyone is nice without being boring. The articles are fair, unbiased and informative.
Yeah, I’ll hang out.
Wait, what? No fussing about ED? You clearly haven’t read some of my posts.
But yeah, Mudspike is a friendly place and I hope it stays that way.
Well…to be clear - we don’t mind people complaining about a bug or voicing a contrary opinion on something. But we don’t want hostility toward anyone, or axe grinding, or just a constant drumbeat of negativity. This is our refuge…and I think we’ve got a great bunch of friendly people here from all spectrums. I enjoy coming here each morning for sure…
[quote=“BeachAV8R, post:38, topic:2471”] a great bunch of friendly people
Oh, pi$$ off already! I’m soooo bored with all of your optimism! * mocking tone of voice * Oh LOOK! I’M @BeachAV8R and all is fiiine!