HP Reverb G2

Just got a notification from bestware that the are shipping today :hugs:

And I got the Widmo inserts yesterday.

It sounds like Christmas is coming :slightly_smiling_face: :christmas_tree:


I had a scare. The headset would not come on. I unplugged the cable at both ends and it took me around 10 minutes of restarting the PC and re-plugging the headset but now it is on. I hope this is not going to be a regular thing.

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Such a huge amount went on to allow the French to be back ruling indochina after WWII when the British took surrender of the Japanese forces. Beaten with the help of the Vietminh and the OSS including Ho Chi Minh after his stint working at the Ritz :blush: of course they where nationalists then. The rest is indeed history. A good parallel to Dien Bien Phu is Khe Sahn worth a few hours of anyone’s time to read up on

Back on topic with a question
What would I need to have DCS in game SS set too to emulate the native resolution of the G2 in my rift
I have the 3090 but not the G2 and am keen to see what it will look like, run like etc


“Of course…the rates have gone up…”


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That’s a tough one, as it’s not just the resolution but the fact that something like DCS does a double pass stereo render. Some newer games do it in one pass, but DCS wasn’t really built for VR. I guess you could do a 4320x2160 resolution and then half the framerate you get as something really rough?

Framerate wise, because DCS is CPU-bound then even with a 3090 I don’t think it’s possible to get a solid 90 fps / HZ for native panel refresh rates. We could contrive just a blue sky/blue sea and no AI or no mulitplayer etc, but effectively you either (a) turn down stuff like shadows and MSAA so it runs mostly where it doesn’t need reprojection or (b) use reprojection and accept it and aim for a solid 50 fps or so with 90 Hz shown in the headset. I’ve sort of become numb in flight sims to needing reprojection (sort of like getting used to back ache that you forget any other way), and it’s only when you run something like Half-Life Alyx with a solid 90 fps looking gorgeous that you forget the PC can do it, it’s just dependent on how it’s coded.

(I’m not dissing DCS, it’s not like you can wave a magic wand and rewrite a 20 year code base without massive investment and a tiny VR player base etc, so it’s all a compromise).


January 6th 2021 woo…sniff…hooo.

Minor stuff in the big picture…


OK, just got a black box at my doorstep. Shall I open it? It seems the box has not been tasted so I am not sure whether it is the G2 :thinking:


Hmm…no bite marks? Best to put it in some boiling water to see what the broth smells like first.


This could kill also any unwanted viruses :smiley:


In my experience, cardboard broth is rather bland unless you add seasoning of one sort or another. :wink:


Tenderizing the box is as you well know the best way to start any good stew. I don’t cut corners and start with a metal tenderizing mallet. By the time you get all the air out of the cardboard, the water will be boiling enough. Best to use a potjie like South Africans do.


Convenient that the hand controllers make for dual handed stirring too!

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This is not starting well.

I unpacked, connected all cables and plugged it into my PC - first via the usb-c. The headset was recognized and I could hear the ding-di-di-dong sound of my PC detecting a new hardware but the WMR portal welcomed me with a error 4-1 message suggesting I should try a usb 3.0 port.

OK, I attached the usb-c to usb adapter and plugged that to one of the usb 3.1. Got the same error. Tried all of the usb ports I could find on the case but always with the same error.

Then I found this:

It seems ASRock mothreboards are having issues with WMR. I let you guess what mobo sits in my case.

Well… the reddit post suggests to connect the G2 via a pci-e usb 3.0 card.

Do I really need to buy a 3rd party product in order to use the G2? C’mon.

My PC is custom built by a local shop and under warranty. So unplug everything, go there, wait, go back home, plug everything… and hope it will work. Hmmm… :neutral_face:

I was trying to remember this site’s URL for another post, but noticed this - not quite the same motherboard but what they say might be worth a shot?

What GPU do you have, as trying in your Graphics Card USB-C is worth a shot?

EDIT: Stalking you with a search :male_detective: it looks like you have a 2080 Ti, which has a USB-C that might work and then avoid the motherboard - they should provide enough oomph and speed.


Thanks @fearlessfrog for your help.

I got it working with the usb adapter after few restarts. So far so good.

But to be honest, I am far from having a “wow” moment which I had once I put the G1 on my face for the first time.

So hence my question to other G2 users:
How do you perceive the sweet spot vs the G1? I got an impression that there is actually not much difference and the image blurs quite a bit pretty soon when not perfectly in the center. I expected more, tbh (but did not expect fireworks either and took MRTVs “clear from an edge to an edge” with a grain of salt).

But still, I can’t really say a difference… and I should if all the reviewers were right. I will connect the G1 just to test…

EDIT: Yep, more or less the same thing - FOR ME, the sweet spot is about the same as G1. I highlight “for me” since I am using prescription glasses so I have WidmoVR lenses. These do add to the distortion (just tested it). I tried also to wear my glasses with the G2 rather than having the inserts but the result is the same - the glasses do distort too.

Funny… but probably nothing I could really do (blame my parents? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)…

Other than that, the picture IS BETTER (colours and it just feels better) in comparison to the G1, which I have just tested a minute ago.

OK, all in all I’m going to digest the not-so-much-bigger-if-at-all sweet spot and after some probation period will put my good and loved G1 on e-bay. Such is life :slight_smile:


Put it up in the for sale section here if you decide to sell it :blush:
I hope you missed a setting or you find it gets better


Bit of a long shot this, but if the USB bandwidth is not good enough then doesn’t the headset drop down to 60 Hz with a reduced resolution? In your WMR settings check out that 90 Hz is forced on or try the GPU USB-C.

Unlikely to be it, but worth checking anway.

I’ve heard the G2 faceguard is a bit chunky and can hurt the sweetspot as you can’t get close enough. I think @BeachAV8R has something on that (taking off the default facefoam etc).


There’s definitely a market for personalized face guards for the G2. It is a bit on the chunky side and just pressing your headset a few milimeters closer to your eyes changes the FoV and focus. It’s not a dramatic change, but when we’re talking about this kind of resolution, it might just be worth it…

The G2 seems to have a sweet spot within the sweet spot, so to speak.
The over all focus and clarity is quite even across the lenses, but the center has better focus. So, yes. The view is quite clear, all over, but the center is even better.

What resolution are you running? The reason that I ask is that I had much the same experience when I had the slider on 50%, as I did with the G1. But when I moved it to 100% a few days later, the image improved quite a bit. My corrective inserts arrive tomorrow, so looking forward to ditching the eyewear.

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@apollon01 ,
I just want to say that way back when I got the Oculus Rift, I had to get an add on USB 3 card. So don’t feel bad. We All had to get them.
As far as your experience goes , give it a week or 2. There is a lot to fiddle with and you will get there in time. I had yet another wow moment last night when I turned Smoothing to always on in DCS. I have had mine for a couple of weeks now. Hang in there man. I dont have a G1, but going from the O+ it was a good leap. Hope you find your good settings.

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