HP Reverb G2

Edit: i just realized this is posted in Varjo Aero. I meant to post it in the HP G2 section.
While Stevie giggles away thanks to his investment, i have extended the life of my G2 and fallen in love with Warbirds and Viper missions over Syria.
I will warn you. He is wordy and i found it hard to watch at times. Tip: skip the first few minutes. But the results were unbelievable. I basically ditched OpenXR and went back to Steam. All i can say is WOW!!! 80-90 fps over Syria or Channel maps.
I might get another year out of my G2!!
I just realized i havent tried the Normandy 2 map…
Here is the link.

Im hoping you guys have feedback on this.


Just got a cup of coffee and will watch the video now…

Yeah, ok… He’s basically using the open composite OpenXR API instead of the DCS OpenXR and then use SteamVR to lower the resolution of the HMD. Then he sets DCS to low settings, and gets good FPS.
I don’t quite see why he couldn’t do just the same with the DCS native OpenXR and OpenXR ToolKit. But hey, if it works, it works.

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It disagrees with some things I have been told to do. Eg msa x4 and anistrophic off. This says do the opposit. Your views would be welcome @Troll

Thanks for posting that @Maico

And then, the skys opened up and i was FINNALLY able to MT. Thats right… after this i can multithread. It gets 45fps solid. Visual quality, Check! Stability, Check!

@Troll. Thank you for putting it in English i can understand. Much appreciated.

@Scoop. Im glad it helps others. Its rekindled my love for my G2.


Just tried this with my usual [latest] test scenario: Syria, on the SC deck; sunrise; broken clouds = a reasonable test scene IMHO.

Stuff from the YT did seem to help a little.

I’ve never tried messing with down/up-scaling before. And I used CAS as he did in the video. I keep a pretty clean system so it wasn’t a huge gain. FWIW I have the same GPU and headset he does with a 5900X from AMD.

I’m starting to feel that MT isn’t that much smoother for me than ST - WHEN there’s nothing going on; just you and the trees/rocks/water. When there is something happening in the ‘world’ it does seem to help significantly. All as I expected when MT was fist announced.

Vulkan anyone? :wink:


Testing today w out MT. Water medium is almost as beautiful as Water High. There seems to be a big difference in performance too. Im sticking to Med water.


I’m hip. Water = LOW is, under certain conditions, (in VR) almost disorientating; flying over a gray-blue-green bowl of soup. Or something like that.

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Question; Can i run Multi Threading at 90 fps? When i tried it, its always locked at 45fps…
Maybe i need to put the MT icon in the Nvidia management panel. Uhmmm

@jross. YES!! Low water is very disorienting. I cant do it.

Last week the left speaker started acting up. I could not fix it. Now this just happened.

I think its time for a new headset…


Sad to see @Maico

Which headset is on your radar?

Thank you. I guess Varjo Aero is the new thing…

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Have a look at the Pimax Crystal too… It’s getting great reviews. I admit I haven’t been able to follow all the youtube influencer vids, but the ones I have watched shows real promise.

Uhmmm, worth considering. Thanks !

checked the features, is 4090 capable to run it at least at 30fps ? :smile:

have to watch the vids for sur

Does the Crystal need base stations? Im leaning in favor of this vs Varjo.

What are you going to do with the broken one?

No plans to rid myself of it. For now, im keeping it

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No, it has inside-out tracking, but it can also use base stations for extra precision.
Using base stations with the Aero was a revelation, as it was much better than the tracking of the G2.
The tracking of the Crystal seems to be better than the G2 though.

@NEVO opened up a dedicated Crystal thread here. I’ll move the Crystal content over there.

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@Troll for President!
Tack! I pre-ordered the Doggone Crystal