I have BOSBOMBOK (so want that name to happen) running very nicely now, so as is flight sim enthusiast tradition, I’m now tweaking it until it breaks and I can complain.
Here’s some guides and tweaks I’ve gathered, being late to this sim. Looking for more if people have any.
#Chuck’s IL-2 BoS Guide (naturellement)
The best guide to get going, from the ever reliable and high quality @Chuck_Owl
#Landscape Tweaks
Something to extend the viewing area, as handy for people with different cards/memory:
#VR Tips and Tricks
Ah, VR, the only set of enthusiasts that make a 19 year old Mormon seem laid back about spreading the word. A really nice VR config guide and discussion here:
#Sheriff’s Sim Shack Videos
A great channel for learning it all.
#Cockpit Reference Cards
An excellent reference for those looking around the cockpit (vital in VR, btw, did you hear about our savior VR, let me give you this leaflet…):
#BlackHellHound1’s Skin Museum
A beautiful collection of period skins.