Yes sir, I’d be happy to help. I’m still in the development stage myself. I am indeed using the couplers from thingiverse that attach to the base and stick of the x56. I then designed some basic tubes, both curved and straight to act as my extension (I’d be happy to send the files). Like you, the electronic part is the current challenge for me.
I ordered 6mm pogo pins from Amazon but they also offer a 9mm which I’d have preferred in hindsight.
Current phase is soldering a wire to each of the 10 pins that go in the coupler. Someone recommended framing nails for the pads that the pogo pins connect with and I’ve found they work nicely. So I’m soldiering 10 separate wires to those as well then placing the pins and pads into their respective spot on the couplers. I’m going to get some heat shrink wrap for wiring as everything gets a bit messy when placed in the couplers and you don’t want ghost input from wires touching eachother where they shouldn’t.
This is my first attempt at delving into electronic DYI. I think the plan is ok, it’s just about execution at this point! I’ll update ya if everything works out!