Ooph…sorry guys. Knock on wood - but I’ve not had any X-Plane lock ups while flying Air Hauler missions…and I’m Alt-Tabbing pretty aggressively (gotta keep checking those .ORG flash sales!!)…
Yeah, that’s the first issue mentioned above (CTD w/Outta VRam). Fixed it.
The other is, well, something else. I’m pretty sure a re-boot should help (Missing 3D mouse cursor too, no matter what I do)…about 90 minutes to go (DCS download).
EDIT: You mentioned something that has me thinking…you “Alt-Tab out…”. I run in windowed mode and when I need to do something (like come here) I just lift the headset and change focus to the browser, as an example. So you start XP in full-screen mode, then VR?
Airborne on attempt 4. 1+35 to go. Crossing fingers. This is only the second time I’ve had issues. It’s a real PITA when you loose the 3D mouse cursor. Can’t do much. First time I’ve cussed my rig in a long time. A week, at least
I may have lowered our rep at AH2 MAD. I took a job and assigned it to the VA but then realized that there was not enough time left to fly it the following morning. So I cancelled it. But because I had previously assigned it to myself the cargo spoiled and had to be dumped. 12000 pounds of shrimp wasted. (There is much shrimp in the AH2 world).
Ice is the one that makes me wonder. I mean, over-night ice? You’re basically hauling water. And paintball seems to be a thing for the Dev; 2 outta 3 pilots I looked at hiring partake in such activities.
To make up for the lost shrimp I am mixing VA business with some personal business. The dream of running a helicopter operation calls–even though it will likely never make me rich. You only live once so I hopscotched my way up to Quatam River, BC making a few quid along the way. I greased the old gooney bird on and began construction on a new base there.
Trying to decipher this…you overfly CG NDB at 8000ft, heading 179, continue descending for 7.7 NM, overfly YK NDB at 5900 ft, then left turn to land on runway 15?
So at YK NDB you’re still 4,274 ft higher than the runway elevation of 1626, 1.3 NM from runway?
Sorry if I’m getting it all mixed up - no sweat if explaining it would take too long
You’re not expected (nor should you try) to overfly YK at 5900’ and land. The 5900’ is a dive and drive altitude. Once you cross CG at 8000’ you descend quickly to and maintain 5900’ and hope that this altitude gets you below the clouds and that the visibility allows you to see the runway environment is sufficient time to land safely and stably. YK serves at the missed approach point. So let’s say you fail to see anything when you get to 5900’. You can now climb but you would continue to drive towards YK and begin the rest of the missed approach procedure from there.
These sorts of approaches are very rare in modern aviation which realized long ago that dive-and-drive is not especially safe. But sometimes there’s still no alternative to doing things the old fashioned way.