MAD AAR - pics, tales of adventure and lessons learned!

So, you want me to fly Blu-Ray players 10 miles for £17 for every lb I can carry?! OK!!


Standard Definition is soooooo last century!

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Enjoyable trip in the Husky this morning. Revisited 25U - the airport right on the edge of the cliff. Lovely scenery all the way up from the Pullman area…

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Wish I could read the gauges in vr. Just not enjoyable not being able to make anything out on the panels.

You need a Reverb man…! Actually…a G2 Reverb…might as well…

Not available in Canada pretty sure.

The flight felt like it finished before it had even started!!
£20k for a flight of a few minutes and a taxi around Grant airport which took longer than the flight to Ephrata!


Pretty plane.

Thanks Rhino

  • Yes indeed. Only performed the first Air Hauler TR in 2D, til someone here mentioned it will ‘talk’ to you (thanks again).
  • A ‘purpose’ is everything, after a point.
  • And a need for an AH chat feature, while you’re flying. Would help somewhat. Surely it can be done. And yeah, the dev’s name probably isn’t Surely. My dog of a VR headset requires I simply take it off; kinda like the “Seat Belt” sign; at cruising altitude, etc.

And VR seems be a bad option for screenshots. Every one I’ve taken in VR is so grainy as to be unusable. In 2D they’re fine. Spent a little time digging on this but nothing yet.

There is chat in the “radar” map. Is it not in the flight following map aw well? Even in the Oculus I find gauges readable. I use a 1.2 supersampling value which helps. And I use the VR desktop feature to watch the map or to peek at Mudspike.

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Getting close!

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Hey @Tigerwulf, I see you in the pattern at Moses. Don’t forget to take your picture in front of the X-Plane hangar!

My Odyssey + is mostly readable. Yeah, sure (I tell myself). Just used to it. In the C172 Bush the altimeter setting is impossible though unless I zoom in.

Sidebar | With XP11.5b9 I’m finding I can run withOUT any anti-aliasing (other than nVidia CP setting: FXAA = On). Actually going to test that now. It’s not significantly ugly I’m saying. The FPS loss with it more advances AA settings isn’t enough of an improvement to warrant it.

Do you use a 3rd party app for that?

Man, I’m going to have to get on this commodity trading bandwagon, it’s clearly more profitable than pesky delivery jobs!


Do the commodity runs earn you REP though? For some reason I thought only “normal” jobs did. That said, I would have sworn that the AH2 for P3D would also give you a small token REP for every takeoff and landing (maybe .1 REP)…but I’m not seeing that in AH2XP. I could be wrong about my memory on that though…

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Commodity runs are not cargo runs, no. You have to accept jobs to get rep.


Yeah…my Pullman/Moscow (KPUW) hub is now open…pretty much covering all of the areas I want to fly now. I can’t fly tonight - I’m first up on the real schedule…can’t risk it…


Err…well, I’m gonna try to squeeze in a run from 25U back up to Pullman…

No. Just the default Oculus thing. Press and hold one of the buttons and a virtual desktop pops up with a nice hunt-n-peck keyboard if you need it. I am sure every headset has something similar.

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