Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

WTH Microsoft?, yet nothing about the alpha confirmation?, whats going on?

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Man, did anyway get a notification? I don’t want to be left out in the cold.

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Negative!!, nothing…I wonder if anyone got some info, it seems very weird to me.

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I read that this new version has an offline mode? Where you can pre-cache certain areas in case you don’t fiber-optic-level bandwidth?

I just got interested again.

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Ha! Too funny. I had a hip replacement earlier this year and went through a scanner for the first time a couple of weeks ago getting my drivers license and tags. Having de-metaled myself down to shorts, t-shirt, and flip flops, I couldn’t understand why the scanner kept alerting on me. Forgot about the hip.

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‘sound of NDA creaking’


Well at least someone has one. :stuck_out_tongue:


Was it luck or pulling the Mudspike card? :stuck_out_tongue:

Just luck. I did apply when registration of it first opened, and got the email about 2 hours ago, so they might be sending a lot of them out over the next day or so, and I just happened to be earlier. If it’s spec based then I have a good machine and bandwidth, so it’s possible they filter people like that (as they know there are performance/optimizations to be done with a tech alpha, so just picked people with more PC money than sense etc).


I’ve learned that being part of a “beta team” is no fun. Can’t imagine what it’s like in ‘alpha’. Sure, you get to touch something before anyone else, but that also involves all of the bugs as well.


Amen to that. I had to get out of DCS beta or I’m 100% sure i wouldn’t be playing it anymore. Once i started working in software development, it really took the last bit of fun out of testing beta software for free in my spare time.


Whoa. I literally got an email from Microsoft 2 minutes ago, saying I was in. Keep refreshing your inboxes, boys.


Evidently no NDA necessary…when you are finished they have a nice gentleman in black ask you to look at his pen…


Same here. Apparently @saghen and I have the same ‘right stuff’ as @fearlessfrog


This will be truly next gen.


sorry…pretty much sane video as above

I didn’t get no email :frowning:


Me either…:disappointed_relieved:

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Current reddit theory is that they are picking machine profiles with 32GB of RAM. The machine specs on the press open day demos in Redmond were 64GB, so it’s hungry for the male sheep for sure.

@Fridge, @saghen do you have that amount of memory perchance?

Tech Alpha 2 registration opens 31 Oct. :jack_o_lantern:

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I have 32gb. Go big or go home. :stuck_out_tongue:

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