Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

So this past week I was able to upgrade to a 25mbps connection. I’m getting a little bit optimistic that I might actually be able to run MSFS2020. :sunglasses:


Same here, I use also mouse ( small trackball ) for viewing.

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Any news from MS what happened with access to tech alpha? it’s been silent for almost a month and forums are not yet up.


Maybe it was a trap, they just wanted to get all the email addresses of y’all. :smiley:


They have sent emails to the Tech Alpha people about every two weeks. At last report, they are working through their process and we should see something ‘soon’.

My guess is that getting things into a releasable pile is not as easy as it seems from the outside. It will be along.

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It sounds and looks like they put a great deal of work into internal cameras (incl. head-shake) and probably got so far down the development road that TrackIR wasn’t even on the whiteboard. Fortunately this is an easy one to fix.

What concerns me more is MS’ oversight regarding VR. They had the chance to incorporate VR from the beginning ensuring a more robust product from the outset. Sure, we all know that VR hasn’t taken off the way some expected it to in the general gaming world, but for flight simming VR has proven to be an otherworldly experience. It’s just a bit of a shame VR will be tacked on at the end.

The bottom line for me: I am incredibly excited to see this new flight sim, and as well it is coming from a place of nostalgia as the FS community in the early 2000s was amazing. I’m looking forward to a wider add-on potential. But I’m just a little reserved, as what we have seen so far is a reeeeally pretty version of X-Plane 11, or -X-Plane without the hassle of downloading orthos. There are no seasons in the new FS yet but there is real world weather, we have not seen how weather will update when the sim doesn’t find any real world data. X-plane is already renowned for its flight model, so there’s another major similarity.

I would love to see these questions answered and love it even more if FS2020 got released with fully fledged seasonal maps with weather and ground textures for all seasons from day one… and of course VR from the start.

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I don’t think that it was oversight as much as it was limiting features to those which they could, at the time, put 100% effort into. We sometimes forget that VR is not as large a percentage of the market as we might like. I am glad that they are working through it, though, and adding it.


I agree with @Fridge. I would add that I hope they are considering VR in their work so as not to do anything that would hamper its inclusion.

It’s happening!


Hey Microsoft…my name is @fearlessfrog - I recently changed my e-mail and you should send his…I mean…my copy to me… Thanks!


Yiipie kai yay!

With my luck, I’m probably at the end of the list :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hey everyone.

I am seeing reports of a fairly restrictive NDA accompanying the Tech Alpha. I have not received, or read, the details of the NDA but I want to caution against posting information here that would be covered by the NDA. I do not want to be running around the forums removing posts and I do not want anyone to lose access to the Tech Alpha because of something accidentally posted here.

So, I am asking for members discretion when posting about the Tech Alpha. I am unsure what our stance on this should be but I do not want to make life difficult for anyone. Linking to other sites or other sources of news and discussions about that will happen anyway. So there is that. But I am considering creating a private sub-forum for Tech Alpha members, if the NDA allows, to permit anyone with access to coordinate or help each other out during the Tech Alpha.

I don’t mean creating a ‘privileged users only’ area but I guess that is what it could look like.


I am probably being an over cautious mother hen :hatching_chick::rooster:


When signing up to be in the pool, you had to agree to the NDA which included basically not talking about it anywhere.

There must be somewhere you can re-read it.


I will take a look. Thanks!

First rule of fightclub: you do not talk about fight club.


Fixed that for you.


Not sure it’s your job to police other people’s compliance with an agreement they signed.


I could only find a very brief mention of it’s contents which came down to not posting any details, audio or video regarding the sim until MS themselves have publicly made the details available.

I am sure there’s a lot more detail to it than that, so don’t use that to make any judgements on content you or others would post / have posted.

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I would not be overly happy with setting up a private sub forum as I think that would cut against the Mudspike philosophy. If Tech Alpha folks want to talk to each other they can PM, email, etc.

I don’t see Mudspike and/or its administrators having any responsibility regarding a Tech Alpha person posting something contrary to the NDA that they signed…its all between them and MS.

It has been my experience with NDAs that they are more concerned with the unauthorized release of “bad news”. Oh, I’m sure they wouldn’t be happy if somebody posted a gorgeous screen shot showing something they hadn’t release yet. However, there are more likely to become consternated over somebody posting something like:

“The [fill in the blank] feature totally doesn’t work! FS2020 is undiluted rhinoceros bile! MS is Satan’s spawn! Bill Gates has a lousy haircut!”

…or words to that affect …so Tech Alpha users probably shouldn’t do that. :slightly_smiling_face: