Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

As a MSFS skeptic I have to say that the video above did a good job of erasing much of my doubt. I don’t care so much about pretty. I want a true sense of flight. So it was heartening to see an engineer say “airflow, temperature and humidity are perfectly simulated” rather than “look at our beautiful new clouds!”

The other bit that warmed my heart was the heavy use of—well he didn’t say this but I will—blade element theory. Combining lift and drag from thousands of representative surfaces with an airmass that is in constant change could be huge if reality matches the promise.

He obviously doesn’t know much about aerobatics. But that was totally ok. In fact it doesn’t matter that he got the terms all mixed up. Accurate math doesn’t need the right words. What matters is that it really looked as if post-stall behavior was plausibly modeled. To me, this is just too good to hope for. We all have our holy grails. This is mine.

What I don’t understand is the backwards capability. This sim and FSX seem too different to expect predictable behavior when operating the same plane across the two simulation engines. But those French guys are much smarter than me so a little faith may be in order. It is very cool that the math will happen at a constant high frame-rate regardless what is happening on the screen.

So yeah, lots of good news there.


I would suspect old content would only run at the old fidelity level.

Hopefully MSFS is one of our first heavily multi-core optimizes sims, since they already are mentioning physics and graphics separation!


Dunno, if they make a parser capable of analyzing the 3D model and calculate surfaces and stuff…
It’s not going to be perfect but you’d be surprised what some programs can do…
And I talk from experience.

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You need a different title here then: “Qualified”.
Description: Rights to be the expert in a certain topic of discussion through career experience. :+1:

Eh… dunno.
I know something of this and that. :slight_smile:

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You have to wonder if perhaps they are a really competent games team, but didn’t actually play flightsims that much before starting this endeavor?

Isn’t that how we got coconut bras the last time MS ventured in Flight? :slight_smile:


Yep. First thought was, so MS is going to put all those new CPU cores to work with that math.

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Minimum specs:
Cessna 172: 4 cores
Boing 747: 24 cores


I’m kind of boggled at the notion that there is no TrackIR. I mean TrackIR was created for flights sims!

No VR is one thing but no TrackIR as an option is just plain weird.


It gets even weirder when you think about how they have the source code for FSX and consciously decided not to include it, when it was in FSX.


Sounds like they are starting to recognize VR: VR is a ‘very high’ priority for the Microsoft Flight Simulator team
Maybe more info in the german article mentioned in above link, but my german is kind of limited to ordering beer…


STANDARD: You’ve already addressed VR. How high is the topic on the priority list?

Neumann: Very high! Asobo and I have years of experience with VR. We know what a lame-ass and a good implementation look like. We want to find a good solution, for example by cutting the cockpit off from the rest of the world. Then you can move around freely and the world in the background doesn’t start to shimmer. We already started with VR, but we want to do it right.

Done with and cross checked. The last bit sounds just as weird in german so I think the interview might have been translated from french.


oh gosh, I remember “Flight” had kept trying to push the ICON on me w/ every “Mission”

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Personally I enjoyed flying the Icon, but all of the “cockpit” planes had their equal share in Flight’s missions.

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That it is mate, for sure.

The prospect of flying everywhere on the world and seeing how it really looks instead of canned textures might just get me into planes that do not fight at all :wink:


My hat is off to you @B12 . Wearing this C-collar brace 24/7 I’m experiencing what might be just a very small bit of what you live with. I can’t put any unusual weight on my head so VR goggles are out, ands I don’t want to inadvertently try to twist my head so I decided not to set up the Track IR. I’ve opted out of sim flying for a while.

That said, perhaps I should climb back into the sim cockpit and try the hat switch for viewing…do you have some other ways of changing or setting views quickly?


I use the mouse. I could never get the hang of using the hat switch

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been using the trim hat for viewing for 20 years. Works great. Bind a modifier like Ctrl to the hat for trim and you are good to go