Microsoft Flight Simulator - Post launch impressions

Yeah, after the Follow Me wannabe yellow school bus on the taxiway I turned this feature off. For now anyway.

Yup. I have only a slightly higher system (32 gb RAM) and don’t see how it’ll run in VR - it might have a chance though based on some experiments with the tail-draggers in “the bush”. Which is mostly what I want it for anyway.

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Yeah, it doesn’t seem to like it when you plug in a USB device whiles it’s running either (Honeycomb yoke plugged in and, ‘poof’, it closed).

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I would have thought that a lot had I not looked at the top 10. Wow, steam must be raking in the geld.

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I feel like MS better be ready, since everyone gave it perfect reviews essentially, the community is gonna nit pick the bejeevies out of it.


That’s how much a hot dog costs in Grand Cayman. Bargain price!

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I hope this time they used high(er) quality textures for Canary Wharf buildings :wink:

Btw where can we report objects that are immersion breakingly wrong?

Like for example there is a fairly big radio mast near my home town that was turned into an enormous skyscraper.

A lot of mainstream sites handing out 10/10’s. It’s a visually appealing title, ideal for VFR ‘aerial tourism’. For anything else it’s pretty raw and early days.

The sim community was always going to dislike it, because they dislike everything. Gotta keep that gate firmly shut! :slight_smile:

The Orbx stuff so far isn’t great quality IMHO, like someone spent some time converting TrueEarth stuff over in a hurry. Hopefully will get better, but London was the ‘test bed’ to be ready for release and put something in the Marketplace. I guess one upside is that as a ‘online delivery system’ it can be patched and you’l see a new version in the ‘Content Manager’ section of the sim.

You can submit a request here, and they do ask for scenery issues:

There’s a ‘World 1’ update coming up, but then again, there’s about 10,000 bugs being reported a day at least :slight_smile:


Not normally my thing, but I’m loving this… just revisited all my old army bases, the ski resort I asked my wife to marry me on in Germany. Our first apartment together, our house now. Race tracks I went to… took screens but none saved, lol.

This is a awesome game if you got kids stuck and home… they can explore anything in the world.

Like I posted yesterday, my 10 year old desktop doesn’t even meet the min requirements, but it does run. Did all the tutorials today on it… but then my Razer 15inch laptop runs everything at 4k very high settings. So ran another HDMI cable to my 55 inch to play in all it’s glory… my setup in my “retirement office”, lol…


Wish there was a way to search actual locations, not just airports… like Watkins Glen, found a airport but could never find my favorite race track. or Mount Rushmore for example.


The ‘pup’ wasn’t impressed though :wink:

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That dog’s tired because his master kept him up all night with a new flight sim.


Can anyone get a multi-engine plane to actually feather an engine? Or does it keep windmilling at a low RPM?

There’s an option to turn on markers for landmarks, perhaps that could help you a little bit finding things like mount rushmore?

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Don’t forget that’s maybe not the whole picture, though. There might be just as many accessing the sim through gamepass, at the same time

Good point. I wonder what the ratio of Xbox to Steam sales is? Only the wizard behind the curtain has those numbers. Early days though.

I submitted a detailed (and hopefully helpful) bug report.
That way I feel like I am helping. The terrain in this sim is already awesome and I want it to get even better. :slight_smile:

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People complaining about the planes behaving unrealistically… But it could be worse…


I’m willing to bet a decent amount of the scenery issues can be fixed globally at the AI/machine learning level though, so figure that helps. That’s one of the main advantages of machine learning :slight_smile: Around 3:48 he goes over the search function, which can bring up Points of Interest as well. Not sure how many things are considered a POI or not, but it’s a start.

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This seems to work finding the Lat/Long co-ordinates in google maps and then going there in game…

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