Microsoft Flight Simulator - Post launch impressions

This is going to go just like a real night of flying. I’m gonna be at 90GB and suddenly get very sleeeeeepyyy…

I was going to suggest it on the Insider forum…but thought people would get all up in arms about the concept of putting a fictional airport in…but I thought it would have been really cool if Asobo had put Meigs back in, in high detail…as sort of a nod to the history. I’ll definitely be buying a Meigs add-on if Orbx or someone offers one up…


I have it downloading now! It’s going to take awhile on my connection, so I’m off to bed. Maybe it will be done by the time I get up :slightly_smiling_face: .

@fearlessfrog, great to see you back!


Love that idea, I’ve been thinking that since it was announced. I grew up flying 172RG’s out of Meigs in MSFS 4.0, and want my kids to do the same!

If Asobo had any hair on their chest they’d do it!

Started the download an hour ago after getting up.
Of course had problems creating that darn MS account but it eventually worked.
Then had the installer hang but the old “turn it off and on again” worked (killing the program and restarting).

Last I saw it it was downloading. I left a text on my desktop with instructions for my wife in case anything hangs. I hope it will be playable once I am at home tonight.

Download ran for 8 hours, seems frozen at 73.5 GB. The „Fix it“ button did not help. Trying a restart and patience.

Edit: A restart did it. Back to ~ 35 Mbit/s (my max).


Yeah, about that. Expect to spend your two hour limit “in-game” just downloading the assets. Perhaps you can run the .exe outside of steam to circumvent this, but I’m not sure.

Just something to consider.

you can possibly get a refund even after the 2 hours are spent. Something similar happened not too long ago when a game spent the first 30 minutes compiling its shaders, but people that didn’t like it still got refunded. However, it won’t automatically refund and there is a chance it may be denied.

I have the sim installed and running now. Unfortunately, setting up controls is a curse that has not been lifted with FS2020. It recognized some of my stuff for which it had a default set-up but for others it did not which ment diving down into the lists to set “Joystick L-Axis X +” for left wheel brakes. Fortunately, only the pedals (and F-16 MFD’s) were not recognized, so not too much work.

The hilly South-East of the Netherlands is not the star of any flight sim. In some I’ve flew, many villages aren’t present at all or only consist of a handful of streets and maybe some buildings. I really wanted to put the statement “fly VFR anywhere in the world” to the test and see if I could find my way around the small corner of the world I call home.

First, I wanted to make my way to my college, A place that should be easily found from our regional airport and literally only seconds away after take-off.

I was surprised by how much they got the pretty complex geometry right. Even our helicopter landing pad is there!

From there I decided to try follow the road home, about 30km to the east. Along the way I encountered the local in-door ski-slope.

It really struck me that even the details on the roof are similar. I found a lot of other landmarks on my way home. A lot looked quite close to what it is looking in real-life, but a few did not do so very much. An example would be our very old football (soccer) stadium. That was just a long building next to a pitch.

With this sort of detail, finding home was easy. I’m amazed that it is really there. The relative sizes and details (i.e. unique corners some of the houses make) are all pretty close to being correct. Of course, many things are off as well. The roof of my house is not angled that way (angled towards the street), it is actually 3 floors and the flat portion of the roof is missing, but this was still incredibly impressing. It was the first time I flew VFR in a sim in an area I knew from real life and had an effortless flight finding and cueing landmarks to navigate by.


This is redundant in this case as you have to download 90Gb in game which takes you over the 2 hours unless you have really fast internet lol

I can’t seem to figure out if it’s necessary to be signed in to some service or not? Anyone able to shed some light on this?
I don’t have an MS account, and I don’t have an X-Box either.
Will the Steam version require some sort of MS account?

In short: yes
Some xbox gaming login. No xbox needed.

It was coupled with my existing MS account.

So here I am at 5am with the sim up and running!

I’m having a problem with my toe brakes (MFG Crosswind pedals) where the brakes off position seems to be half way through the axis travel…so what should be brakes off is in fact full brakes, and what should be full brakes is also full brakes…weird.

Here’s my first screenshot: my house (right on the prop spinner). Impressive…they got the driveway, tree placement, and our main out building all in there…

ok… back to bed for a couple of hours. :crazy_face:


2 hours is for the auto refund I believe. Anything over 2 you have to explain and then they review it and decide what to do.

In this case saying you had to download for 4 hours just to play for 5 mins to find out you want a refund would probably work.

Lucky you, according to MSFS2020 I live in some weird garage building…


I didn’t know that about the over 2 hours thing. I tried it on game pass anyway and it was a no go for me so saved me the hassle :slight_smile:

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How do you know if it’s doing anything? Just got it, fired it up and logged in and now I am looking at the TBM with some background music and a blue bar in the bottom. No indication of anything happening after I selected some accessibility options.

My furst’ video for the new sim. A very short flight past NYC: testing the previously sometimes suicidal copilot, as well as FPS on the high-end preset at 2K in a dense area.

Checking for stuttering as well with the new Nvidia driver.

As if any of you could ever refund this.

„I‘m in control of myself, I can stop consuming any time!“

Yeah, yeah, right ;D


I also had this.
Killed the app and restarted, then it started to download.

Edit: also the download hung a few times it seems. I instructed my wife to tend to it today while I am away. :slight_smile:


So far no luck, and not really surprised what a buggy mess this is. It’s apparently a common issue!