MOZA Racing is Entering the Flight Sim Hardware Market

I hope WW’s is smaller and cheaper.

The WW base doesn’t look any smaller to my eye, but photos can be deceiving.

I’m waiting for at least a year, to see the longer term reviews and reports.


That price is very tempting. Still, I’m waiting on a review and obviously that sort of cash is a big investment!

I do want to see what WinWing produces… and I think their grip attachment solution is probably going to be a bit more robust for a force feedback joystick (though I may be worrying unnecessarily about that)


Jabbers gives a very thorough review. Executive summary: good hardware, inadequate software.

Unrelated, I wonder if Jabbers used AI to create that thumbnail.


I’m waiting for the WW FFB base.


I’m glad I waited a bit. The good thing at least with the Moza base is that most of the issues are software related, and that can be fixed over time.


Same. I’ve adopted the “wait and see” approach regarding hardware. Besides, WW has impressed me with its product line. After being a longtime TM guy, I hope to convert my hardware to WW’s line in the next few years.

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So much for self discipline … I just did a thing :crazy_face:.
In my defense, it’s for my birthday later this month. I’m planning to use my Virpil grip which has served me well.


happy b-day! :cake: looking forward to your impressions with the product

Yes, I want to see video of you as Lou Costello and the base as Abbott as you do the “Who’s on first?” routine.
That would be a great impression.

Happy Birthday! I’m sure we’ll all be looking forward to your experience and review of the product.

I’m still hoping to hear more about WinWing’s iteration because I’m moving to their hardware offerings. Kinda tired of the mix-n-match scenario I have going on (long story).

I probably should have waited for VirPil seeing as I like their products a lot…but time waits for no man as they say. VirPil haven’t released any details about the FFB base they are working on, which leads me to believe they are not likely to have it ready for market anytime soon.

I have no doubt that the Moza AB9 and software will mature into a fully rounded product. I like the fact that the mechanics of the base are fully enclosed and that the price point comes in at a good bit less than the VPC Rhino.

I agree Paul. The hardware certainly looks well made. With their racing sim experience, you’d think that improved software is coming down the pipe. They will want to remain competitive with other manufacturers jumping on the FFB train.

I think that maybe they caught VirPil and WinWing by surprise.


Thank you for your service Paul, way to take one for the team (if it sucks) and thank you for testing the waters for us (if it rocks).

When I bought my virpil stick base I was completely convinced this was the last stick I’d ever buy. Unless force feedback strong enough to wrestle happened. And it seems to be.


I’ll be sure to give a full report when I get it. Hold on to your wallet! :rofl:

In the meantime, this is worth a watch.


Hmmmm. I got a shipping notice for a package from Hong Kong just now. My order status hasn’t changed on the Moza site, but I only have one item on order that is outstanding. Looks like I might have it by the end of the week.


It’s here… unfortunately I will have to follow Chris’ (@BeachAV8R ) example and leave it in its box for a couple of days as I am about to head out on a trip. The cardboard is nice though… :wink:


fist shake GIF