On our layovers there, we stay in…Hell…!
I had the FSDT IAH and DFW for P3d, those will likely be quick buys for me when they migrate over to MSFS.
Here is your classic example of crap content. This just showed up on Simmarket..KSLC Salt Lake City…check out the promo shots…and the taxiway lights and signs IN the high speed taxiway…
Wow, they dumped their crap on the public without even testing it?! These “markets” have to step up their quality control.
I’m disappointed with all the crap coming out for pay. It will clutter up the marketplace. If they haven’t already done it, they should put in filters so you can only see high quality products through ratings
@Elby They should test or review their products before putting them up, but should it be required? Brick and mortar stores don’t test all their products before selling it. What’s the benchmark? Is there a common checklist/test plan for the websites to check the addons? How much time per addon should be used to checking the product? In PCs, there are be variances. How many different PCs should the product be tested on? All this takes time and presumably money. Should the price of a product in an already small-ish market be increased to account for the testing needed to be done?
All I’m saying is that the dev didn’t test it before dumping it on SimMarket! Like, WTF? There should be someone at SimMarket that loads it up on their PC and checks it out for like a half an hour LOL! I’m not saying they should test it on an array of different PC’s for multiple hours. Just load it up like any of us would do and use their Mk1 Eyeball to see if it’s worthy of putting it on their market.
I would’ve sent this crap back to the dev in a heartbeat.
I agree. For a product like flight sim stuff, it would be relatively easy to just start it up and do a token look through. And it’s not like they get high volumes of product on their site per week.
Actually, sometimes it is even easier than that…the “press” shots they sent along to advertise it should have been disqualifying. You wouldn’t even need to load it up…
Problem there, is all products launch with a rating of “zero stars” by default, so new items (especially those from new-to-the-scene developers without a reputation, who are still putting out quality work) get lost in that shuffle all the same. Plus, the flight sim community at large is often a finicky, picky bunch; “Oh, the PMDG 737 lacks a working weather radar like ever other aircraft in FSX? Minus 3 stars!”
21W Ranger Creek Airport
Greenwater, Washington, USA
Small airport near to Seattle and Mount Rainier. Tricky to land and to takeoff due to surronding forests.
-Custom objects & textures
-Custom trees surrounding landing area
-Reviewed lots of real videos and photos to get the right atmosphere
Download page : [Freeware] Ranger Creek Airport - W21 - Scenery & Airports - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
Looks way better than the pay-ware one posted a few days ago!
It would be cool if freeware developers (or donation-ware) would follow these crap offerings around and do them right…LOL. It is pretty cool to see some of those areas I love to fly (Idaho backcountry) getting some love…this is great!
Now in tha’ marketplace
wow where is the g1000? …
I bought it, 2 days ago on release, and its my nr1 aircraft for this sim until other birds arrive.
Fly very well, beautiful inside and outside, full equipped for IFR, steam gauges (!!!), very nice cruise speed and range for his class.
Until now i only found a bug but its far away from a showstopper bug. Its related with the menu to select other aircraft status, in fact maybe a bug related part with fs20, because some aircraft on fsx also have that issue.
I already did some full flights from C&D ramp to destination C&D on park and more I use this aircraft more I love it!
Sounds pretty good!