MSFS Add-Ons & Releases

Can’t wait for this. I launch out of JFK, KBOS and KLGA a lot, and I always sigh at whut’ a mess JFK is, with the floating cars, unconnected gates, etc…

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That looks incredible. Must have.


“This state-of-the-art aircraft is being shipped to you in a giant wooden box. Open your surprise shipment this April Fool’s Day and experience this one-of-a-kind aircraft. Get your tokens ready! This aircraft will leave you at the front door of your local grocery store asking your mom for more tokens.”

Download Now: April Fools '23 – Got Friends




The funny thing is that I thought you were speaking of JFK in real life! :joy:

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There are never enough Spartan Executives!

This one is in works by HCG Digital Arts.

Can’t wait! (for the two of them :slight_smile: )


Mmmmm, shiny! :drooling_face:

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Beautiful Aircraft!!!

Cowansim has released their Airbus H125 for MSFS. It is still needs some work on the flight model (says this fixed wing pilot) but overall really nice, with 100(!) liveries and various loadouts.

The scenery in these shots is the excellent Victoria Falls by Jeppesen2001 (payware - highly recommended if you like flying helicopters).


How’s the performance in that scenery?

It’s not too bad. The mist at the falls does give a performance hit, but I’m able to fly around it in VR without it turning into a slide show on my 3+ year old PC sporting a 2080Ti. It’s a neat scenery. The falls and rapids are all animated, as is the bungee jumper. There are various remote helipads, and small airports etc. Well worth picking up.


100 liveries!? :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

That’s gonna fill the screen and a bit! I used to get very frustrated with some devs - like Iris for eggs, who would provide like 50 liveries per release and the only way to stop them filling up the selection screen to find the one you wanted in less than half an hour was to go through the config and delete all the stuff you didn’t want or delete the texture folders - though you had to be careful not to delete something that was aliased elsewhere, of course.

So far I haven’t come across a simple way to do it for the current sim. I don’t want to use an add-on manager, though something like the range of utes released for FSX like TweakFS Tools (Aircraft, scenery etc) would be great.

So far there have only been a couple of releases with a large number of liveries that I’d like to cull.

Beautiful shots! Victoria Falls performs great on the XBOX. Not bragging. (That would be a dumb brag if I was). Just it is interesting how well they can really dial in the sim when the hardware specs are fixed.

I guess I need to rethink this XBOX as the XP12 seems to be struggling on my PC more and more.

And I fly on gamepad anyway :slight_smile:

How do you interact with the cockpit?

on PC one just needs to grab the mouse, or on PS5 gamepad one can use the integrated touchpad.

on XBOX iirc one can use the ‘arrow’ buttons to look around and if one ‘points’ ones view on interactive part of the cockpit then can interact with it? somebody with XB needs to chime in to confirm.

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With XBOX, it’s a bit of a PITA. I use lateral axis on the left (collective) stick to look around left and right. If I want to pan around on both axes, I use the left bumper to shift the right stick for pan. Sounds crazy, and it admittedly is, but I’ve become pretty adept at it.

Just Flight have their Easter sale on - you can buy their Hawk T1A for £23 or the BAe146 for £35 amongst other reductions.


that Hawk is so tempting

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