It’s the app I was talking about, Paul, not email. Don’t think I’ve ever received marketing email from them.
*OK got the Norseman - and while I was there I picked up the Goose as well!
It’s the app I was talking about, Paul, not email. Don’t think I’ve ever received marketing email from them.
*OK got the Norseman - and while I was there I picked up the Goose as well!
Ah, sorry, I thought you meant you don’t like having to have an account to make a purchase.
The BR Goose is great. I am sure you will enjoy it.
I just bought GotFriends Optica.
Can’t go wrong for 10 bucks and it has a cat and/or dog, which helped in picking it over the OrbX one.
The thing is, while I don’t mind having an account - it’s the number of times I have to do it and how many different sites I have to trust with my info.
I find it staggering how so many people are prepared to be so trusting of these internet companies. Discord is an excellent example of a company with poor security and policies and a terrible rep for it, yet people flock to it like sheep without worrying about whether they are trustworthy or not, just because everyone else is doing it.
I have the one on OrbX (there ya go - I forgot, I did buy a plane from them!). I like it, great fun for sightseeing and doing visual navigation.
I didn’t buy the Got Friends one after I had a little chat with them about their Optica on the FS forum and I really disliked their attitude. Basically to promote their Optica all they did was slate the existing ones and the devs that made them. That was it for me and I won’t buy anything of theirs. Not saying anyone else shouldn’t buy from them, but I won’t.
But yeah, the plane is fantastic.
sorry for the negativity - and two posts in a row! Hey, at least I like the plane
I’m sorry but there’s something hilarious about a company called “Got Friends” ■■■■-talking competitors.
“Got Enemies”? “Got Argumentative”? Idk what the best joke is here but there’s something in there for sure.
EDIT: I don’t mean to trash them, I understand that it is hard to sell a product that has such direct competitors without direct comparisons, which can be… sensitive
I dont own it and comin to conclusion that even if they donate the modules for free to the community I am not gonna download them
just spoiled by the DCS MT for now. cant stand the 30fps in XP12 and MSFS anymore
Discord is solving a very real problem.
There was software like it before, but none of it was easy to use. Discord removed the requirement to be overly technical, anybody can host a community now.
And no, that does not mean that I like it, especially knowing which companies are funding it.
Yeah, I meant that people have little option because it’s what everyone is using. I do use it for that very reason, but on a separate older tablet that has nothing else on it and even then if there’s no other way (i.e. for support for some sim or VR apps).
Wow, it’s easy for things to get a bit excessive in this game - I just made a list of all the add-on aircraft I’d acquired for this sim to make sure I had the Neofly import data and was gobsmacked to realise there’s already 42 add-on aircraft in my hangar.
That’s fair, thanks for sharing it anyways! I bought it after @PaulRix confirmed it’s quality. He really does deliver!
I have bought 2 aircraft for MSFS so far, and the pattern is clear:
F-104G Starfighter - for high speeds that the default aircraft can’t reach
Zenith CH701 - for low speeds that the default aircraft can’t reach
You should give the Darkstar a try. It will take you to altitudes and speeds that would make the F104 weep. It is surprisingly well done and the price can’t be beat.
I was surprised how fun it is to fly.
It flies kinda like the SR-71 profile, but on steroids.
It sucks that you cannot look straight ahead, but other than that it is pretty cool.
Make that 43 add-on aircraft, as I just bought the Maule
Would have bought more of the new aircraft, but the prices were a bit on the high side e.g £30 for the Tecnam P2006T - and they don’t even show the cockpit in the shots, which always makes me cautious.
With the current sale in the marketplace I’ll no doubt buy some more that are currently on my wishlist. Was surprised that the Maule is a whopping 10.6GB download!
I always enjoyed the FSX/P3D Maule 260C in VR so I can hardly wait to have a go in this one.
Nice to get decent manuals with these add-ons as well - often lacking with this sim:
Hi there,
today I want to announce two major improvements.
Introducing our latest visual update, a complete overhaul of the cockpit lighting system.
We have removed every single light within the cockpit and redone everything from scratch, resulting in proper reflections on all materials. Our flood lights now cast ambient light, thanks to reference data and the hard work of our contributors (especially FinalLight and MoreRightRudder). The dome lights have also been enhanced.
In addition, we have made changes to the clock power behavior, wing lights and added new glass textures, giving the cockpit an even more realistic look and feel. We are proud to have such a talented community of contributors who have helped us make these significant improvements. Now available in both Dev/Exp versions!
Fuel System Architecture
We have reworked the old default Asobo fuel system that was incorrectly based on the A320CEO. Fuel is transferred correctly from the center tank to the inner tanks from where it flows into the engines under the correct conditions. We’ve also implemented more realistic features both new and reworked:
Crossfeed capability has been added. Fuel will be correctly drawn from the correct inner tank to feed both engines.
Mode selector is now operative.
Center tank fuel pump pushbuttons on the overhead panel have been changed to control center tank transfer valves as on the real A320NEO.
Center tank fuel will now transfer to the inner tanks rather than being fed directly to the engines.
Mode Sel switch in manual mode all center tank fuel transfer is controlled manually by the flight crew.
ECAM fuel page has been updated to show fuel quantity changes, correct valve positioning, and correct coloration.
Now available in both Dev/Exp versions!
Happy Flying!
PS: Also the wipers work now and the CG trim markings is fixed (yes the wipers wipe)
Had a lovely time flying the Norseman this afternoon - great plane for some fun and was pleasantly surprised at the cockpit and what was available.
I actually jumped in at the runway (so with everything started up) and upped the throttle smoothly to max for take-off and the engines died!
It was then that I spotted the carb heat levers in the overhead panel and flipped them on after restarting and whaddya know - nice take off, though it did take almost the entire length of the runway at Hamilton (NZHN New Zealand), which is where I often base myself for Neofly as there are lots of nice, discreet dirt strips around for flying jobs to. I was also surprised to find it had separate prop rpm and mixture levers, so full control available there - none of this auto crap!
I was only doing a 17 nm flight to a nearby dirt strip but ended up flying it around for nearly an hour cos I was enjoying it so much in my Pico 4. The scenery was not bad before the NZ update, but now I think it’s quite outstanding.
So definitely recommend the Norseman.
I then took the Goose up. I have three - the freeware Ozx (?) one converted from FSX, which is okay, plus the standard MS/Asobo model, and now the BigRadials one as well - and I can tell you it really knocks the other two for six! It really feels how I imagine it should - I was so impressed with it. The FM felt perfect.
So a recommended for that, too. I do have some video from the Norseman flight to illustrate a bug I noticed and recorded to see if anyone else gets it - it seems to be a lighting thing on the scenery. I’ll have to upload it to YT I suppose, and then I’ll post it here.
Otherwise - happy days! Haven’t had time to test the other new stuff, yet (BAe146, Hawk T1 and Maule - oh and the M346 as well).
Happy days!
Quick video showing the lighting bug I mentioned. Look to the left of the nose on the ground and you can see a darker shade continually advancing as the aircraft moves forward, with a rectangular/block type pattern.
Edit: Same from an external view - only seems to happen when the Sun is shining (so when there’s a gap in the clouds) I don’t know about clear skies - I will test it in different situations: