MSFS - Multiplayer Information

Another name to add to the list… my XBox name/callsign/tag is Astronut71.

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I think this was the strip in Papua New Guinea that I went zipping off the end of when I tried my Cessna 172 “autobrakes” (they apparently did not deploy…LOL…)… @fearlessfrog and @Fridge didn’t seem to have any problems…so I’m blaming it on the fact that I didn’t have a cocktail in my hand…


You screamed that as you whizzed past and fell off the cliff but I don’t know what that is really. Does deploying the parking brake do something on a Cessna, as I thought the only way was just stomping pedals and shutting my eyes?

Some of those strips in New Guinea were insane. I’ve still got leaves in my shoes from some of those slow speed egresses… :tanabata_tree:

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:man_shrugging:t3: I think if you engage your parking brake on touchdown you will also get maximum braking. I’ll have to head to Edwards tomorrow to test that theory though… What would be really interesting though is if parking brake on plus depressing the brake pedals inhibits all braking… :rofl:

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And no, there is no such thing as auto brakes on a real Cessna (172) nor anti-skid…

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Just need to make sure you go off a higher cliff next time so that when you go over the edge you will have enough altitude to regain flying speed. bwahaharoll


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I see ya’ back there @PaulRix!

My G1000 Baron…umm…doesn’t have an altitude preselect…and when you hit the NAV button to join the LOC it turns parallel to the inbound…haha…I was like…where is it going? Finally had to turn off the autopilot and hand fly it down. Judging those constraints on the LOC was hilarious hand flying, tabbing back to the approach plate, then back into the sim… :rofl:

@PaulRix in his TBM trying to find a low enough power setting to keep up with me… :rofl:


And I think I’m on the only person at Denver International that cares about not running over someone. A 747 taxied right over me…I’ll have nightmares tonight…

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Lol…I was flailing around just trying to stick with you. It’s been a long time since I flew with a Track-IR device. I really miss VR!

That was fun though.


Yeah…I wasn’t even flying with TIR…just my monitor and my joystick and mouse. I spent about 20 minutes trying to find the ALT preselect knob on the panel. I have mapped it to my HOTAS so I can quickly change heading and altitude selectors without having to use the knobs…but that only changes the altitude by 1,000’ increments which is pretty useless for that LOC approach. After spending 20 minutes looking for it and not finding it, I went online and Googled it and sure enough, the MSFS Baron is missing the knob (there is a blank round spot where it is supposed to be)…

Fun stuff though…that is some fantastic scenery on the way across the mountains. I’ve never been into Aspen (other than 100 times in the sim)…but have been into Eagle (which is also no joke). Can’t wait to check it out in VR. Glad you could come along! I’ll be on Discord next time…

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Proof that we both made it…!


Some other things I found on on this flight re: the Baron.

  • Mixture does nothing in the range from 100% to 5%…then it just cuts out.

  • Cowl flaps don’t affect drag or engine temperature.

  • The G1000 has no approaches in it…or at least it didn’t have the Aspen approaches…so I had to green needle the whole thing.

I guess we have to remember that these are just default aircraft… once we get some quality 3rd party aircraft, I doubt we will ever fly the default ones again. The Hotstart TBM900 would be awesome… ;).


Keeping an eye on the hurricane I’m sure @PaulRix? I’m sure everyone in Beaumont is like…OH NO…not again…

I’d love to see the AirFoilLabs King Air 350…and for someone to do a full on PC24 sim…I’m gonna need that… :rofl:


I think we will be just fine here. I’m about 30 miles NW of Austin. I wouldn’t want to be on the coast though.

Should make for some interesting sim flying.

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Where on that track are you located @PFunk? Hope you dodge all the mess…

Some shots from a couple nights ago when me, @fearlessfrog, @Fridge, and later @saghen got together to just meander around Papua New Guinea out of Port Moresby into the high hills of the interior…

Some awesome scenery while @Fridge was figuring out the weather settings…

All three of us had a great time studying our maps and comparing it to the terrain to try to pick out the airports and find the right plateaus or valleys to drop into…

The 172 required a bit of careful handling because it isn’t the most powerful beast out there…the altitudes kept creeping higher and higher was we flew further into the interior…

And some of the slopes are so steep you can’t get too conservative or you end up not having enough “oomph” to make it up the hill…! I got stuck on this hill and had to do some slalom skiing to get up it…

Departures were no guarantee either. The planes would stagger off the end of the strips and there were very real chances of hitting trees at some of the strips…

Some of the area we were poking around in…

Then @saghen popped in to join us for a few more approaches…

We crossed the high ridge near the middle of the island…which was a bit of a struggle…and then dropped into what I think was Kokoda…maybe…

Hit a few more strips on the eastern side of the peninsula…and we left a ton more to explore another time!

It was another great, scenic exploration…with no plan really and just wandering around enjoying the sights…