MSFS Screenshots [2025]

Let me kick off the 2025 MSFS Screenshot season with few screens from testing the very good freeware Fokker F27-MK500.

Fokker F27-MK500 for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS

Rather short hop from Luxembourg to Saarbruecken with real time weather.

In Saarbruecken the weather caught me way beyond my personal minima (and the legal ones probably as well :grimacing:) though with only some minor sweat I managed not to miss the runway and make it a full success :+1:

For a freeware, this aircraft is a very nice rendition. Apparently first released for FSX some time ago and then re-made for MSFS 2020. This is an old turboprop (GNS 530 is optional) and as such sports two VORs, two ADFs and a rudimentary autopilot. All in all a treat to fly :slight_smile: It comes with a nice manual too.

Not convinced yet? Go get it!

Lets Go Ok GIF by ZIP ZIP


Can I humbly request that you change the name to “MSFS” Screenshots? This will lower confusion and repetition as MSFS 2024 makes gains in 2025. Poster can simply indicate the version used to produce the shot.



I am falling in love with the Albatross G111/HU16 (a default aircraft in the MSFS 2024 Deluxe Edition). In contrast to many other default aircraft in MSFS 2024, this one is surprisingly not suffering that much from bugs :grinning: and the developer is active on the official forum.

The Albatross is a flying boat (note that MSFS 2024 provides for spawning on any water surface, albeit not in cold & dark configuration) and it comes in a classic (steam gauges) as well as flat screen (G1000) version.

Here I was flying from Orcas Island to a sea base in Campbell River on my way to Alaska.

Steam gauge office. Pitty the HSI and VOR are both linked to the only NAV radio and there is no ADF. The developer stated that it was unlikely he’d modify the panel anytime soon.

A chill out room in the nose of the hull.

In cruise.

The Albatross is a bigger brother of the Goose.

My destination. Beside the default sea base, I am using also the free marinas addon from

Landing and water taxying. Use of differential thrust is essential on water.

Nice details throughout. The steam gauge and G1000 versions are also modelled with different interior. Nice touch :+1:


How does it fly in MSFS?

I have the Khamsin studios version for X-Plane 11. I haven’t got a lot of time in it, but used it for one of my longer legs on the 2024 Xmas flight. I found it remarkably ‘sprightly’ for such a chunky aircraft, especially with full fuel and close to MTOW… So I’m not sure how accurate that is?

I have never flown the X Plane 11 version so can’t compare directly.
However I would not use a word sprightly when describing the MSFS 2024 version :slight_smile:

Besides its beautiful rendition (in the beautiful MSFS 2024), it actually feels pretty heavy both in roll and pitch. Found it quite easy to trim as well. I have not yet tried to take off and fly at its MTOW (I just go with the default 50% of fuel setting) so may test it later and come back to you.

I would say if you liked it in the X Plane 11, you probably would enjoy it also in MSFS 2024. There is something special to flying a boat, isn’t there?

Pierce Brosnan Boat GIF by James Bond 007


With full fuel including float and drop tanks, about 10,000lbs IIRC it definitely didn’t feel heavy, it got off the ground in less than about 2000ft from a sealed runway and definitely not as sluggish in roll as the B-25 by the same studio.

But yeah, I think I will be doing more ‘boat flying’. I have the float equipped versions of the DHC-2 and DC-3 as well.

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Making my way to Alaska. This time in C-130 which in MSFS 2024 seems to work fine.

Enroute from Sandspit (CYZP) to Annette Island (PANT).

Descending after passing Tree Point RBn.

On final.

As not much is simulated in this rendition of the C-130, it was a relaxed and enjoyable flight.

On the other hand the old school navigation works as it should (VORs & ADFs) which is a nice surprise (unlike in many other birds in the '24) :+1: The Low-Frequency Radio Range addon works in the MSFS 2024 just fine as well so getting to my destination with the old sectional on my lap was an easy job.


Just discovered the joy of flying with a controller. Now I gotta figure out how to take a screenshot. Good grief! lol :laughing:


Few random screens from me


IIRC press both shoulder buttons on the controller to enter photo mode, than you can position your camera, pause the game etc, grab a photo which will be saved somewhere on your XBOX.


I had such a bad day yesturday. I was on a road trip for work. I went to a beautiful Dam in the mountains west of Seattle. But on the way down I had a flat… Ok no big deal… Then my spare blew after ten feet… 2 tires and 518usd later I arrived home in a mood. So I fired up MSFS (Sorry, Im still on 2020) and went for a fly in one of my most relaxing aircraft. From Sea-Tac to Mount Raineir… The Cessna ran out of Steam at 13k ft… LOL. Then I dove north and went to the Howard Hanson Dam I had visited IRL earlier. Form there back to Seattle, past my home and landed at Sea-Tac again. In the end, it was so relaxing


Pushing from Annette Island to Sitka in a C-130E. I am still not sure what my destination will be (perhaps Anaktuvuk Pass… or some field at the very north of Alaska… or Aleutian Islands… :grimacing: :slight_smile:)

MSFS 2024. I have rather a nice experience with this sim as long as I do not demand too much from it in terms of simulation (the visuals are great!).

The weather around Sitka was not great… as was the approach and landing :slight_smile:


Now to Yakutat. The views can be best described as breathtaking.

And the hand-flown ILS in miserable weather is becoming a standard :slight_smile:

Please ignore the yellow cross over the numbers. I did anyway :slight_smile:


They seem to have fixed the ground effect bug. This makes the more enjoyable and challenging helicopter missions that require pinnacle landings possible. Ag flying is still an act of frustration due to the remaining career bugs. But when it works, it’s a blast!


Yakutat to a seabase in Cordova.

What a cool view :slight_smile:

In Cordova I swapped to a Waco to enjoy a leisure flight over to Hinchinbrook Island…

…to have a little hike once firmly on the ground.

A beautiful morning flight to Gulkana.


These screens are from the legs I flew back in February. They come from between Gulkana, Allen AAF, Fairbanks, Bettles and finally Anaktuvuk Pass.

I like the way they park taildraggers in Anaktuvuk :slight_smile:


Once more Over the Hump

And safely on the ground in Yunnan-Yi on my way to Kunming.


Beautiful pics!

How’s the plane fly in 24?

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The screens are from MSFS 2020 because the scenery does not work in 2024 :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

However Duckworks has a 2024 version of his DC-3 mod available on his discord so I suppose all should be set for 2024.

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Got a new toy in MSFS2024 (first had to buy it from MSFS2020 Marketplace because the Staggerwing does not appear in the MSFS2024 Marketplace for me).

Here testing over Tahiti islands.

And here - you guessed it - Over the Hump :slight_smile:

Haba Snow Mountain and Yulong Snow Mountain. In my previous trip I have seen them from the other side.

A little hairy landing manoeuvre to Bao Anying airport which is carved on top of a hill.