Yes, navigation is fun. And as I already stated, I am relearning that stuff. With my C172N instrumentation I am tied to NDBs and VORs so I am going to practice that.
From initial list of jobs provided by @BeachAV8R in the first post I have chosen the exotically sounding Chilliwack (CYCW). Located to the SW from Vernon and with some NDBs and VOR between them. Weather forecast was not so bad, some light winds, some clouds, 16km visibility. Good day for practice.
My plan is to fly south from Vernon through the lake valley using the NDBs RUTLAND, WESTBANK, PENTICTON and just before the OKANAGA NDB I will turn right and intercept the radial 270 TO PRINCETON VOR (hopefully I am saying it correct). Over the VOR I will follow the NDB signal from HOPE and from there VFR down the valley to SW to my destination Chilliwack. Something like this
Flying south over the valley
Down here clouds are bigger, wind little stronger. Penticton CYYF in sight now
After Penticton little more south an then intercept the radial 270. But it doesnt seems to be here
I probably messed up something with the VOR setup. I guess I am already too far south but the needle still wants me to fly more south. I am changing OBS from TO to FROM, trying various radials in a hope that I will find the error. Nothing! I am dialing the HOPE NDB and continuing to west in this turbulent air seeing the ground only sporadically now
I am still not happy with the radial 270, as I feel I didnt do anything wrong. Comparing NDB signal to that from VOR, guessing my position and deciding to fly little bit more south as the needle wants. And here we go, the needle starts to align nicely
Out of the hilly terrain, in the valleys again. The turbulence is gone and it seems that the Hope → Chilliwack will be nice VFR finish. Even the default FSX textures seems nicer here
Over Hope everything seems to be perfect. Just around this hill to the left and the bakery products are at their destination
Oh… what is this? My good mood is gone…
Ok, I am descending bellow the low clouds and there is nice road the the left of the valley, lets switch to IFR - I Follow Road 
It should bring me to the town at least. But it is getting worse. Under the clouds there is low fog and I cant see anything. Turning left, turning right, looking into the map I am ready to turn back to Hope… and suddenly… are that houses over there? Yes! So further to the south there is the airport… and its really there, bakery is saved!
Where I should be
Where I rather would be
Really dramatic finish. Looking forward to push more to the west.