A place to tack the patches you have acquired through adventure, work and sometimes late night ebay binging.
I’ll give it a start since I have a patch sitting on my desk here. Got this one over the summer from a Hornet driver.
A place to tack the patches you have acquired through adventure, work and sometimes late night ebay binging.
I’ll give it a start since I have a patch sitting on my desk here. Got this one over the summer from a Hornet driver.
Can we scan 'em? Don’t have a wall, but got lots of patches!
Sure! I don’t have a wall either, just a zip lock bag with a bunch of patches stuffed into it lol
My Galactica patch that has actually faired really well being attached to a few rucksacks. I also have a Viper patch somewhere.
The Aireon SpaceX one is work related and appeared on my desk after the Iridium NEXT 6 launch.
Swedish Airforce F15 wing.
1st Squadron Olle Red and 1st Company, where I did my military service.
The company was the technical organisation.
The Squadron used to have a patch with Asterix holding a bomb, so the company had Obelix carrying a Viggen.
Later the squadron patch changed to Asterix having a black hand on his shield. This transformed to just the black hand. The company patch never changed.