Somehow this is a really funny photo
Somewhere in there is a joke with dem Tiger im Tank
This was in my feed this morning. Got a good laugh at the ‘spice it up’ part
I would love to have a COD in DCS!
To which I will always remember this piece…
And I quote
and more
And they fly that thing out on boats…!
Really interesting article.
Just flew with an old E-2 guy. He loved it. HUDs are for pansies!
That’s what I always say!
Confessions Of A C-2 Greyhound Carrier Onboard Delivery Pilot
One Air Force four star general took offense to my being so young, I was 23.5 years old and the plane commander. He wanted the much more seasoned older Lieutenant Commander, my co-pilot, to fly him out. I patiently explained that as a flag officer he can take command of the aircraft and do as he wishes. However the Lieutenant Commander here is not qualified to land this aircraft on the boat and I am feeling suddenly un-well and will stay ashore. My skipper commanded me to grow a beard to appear older.
This made me Chuckle. Good article komemiute.
for the ground vehicle types… found this Youtube channel
Nice find. I am going to be speding too many hours there…
Sorry for posting a fb video, but I couldn’t find it elsewehere…
Turn on sound.
Normally I’d agree, but on a Phantom it looks strange to me.
I prefer a good old SEA camo with a shark mouth on that jet.
SR-71 Blackbird. Grab your favorite beverage and/or food. 55 minutes. Everything (declassified) you need to know. The presentation and 3D animation are
Thank you.
I have aways admired (and been in awe of) the SR-71 as an engineering marvel and have a copy of Sled Driver on my bookshelf.
But I just learnt more about it in 55 minutes, especially how the intakes generated so much thrust, than ever before.