Nice! What kind of workshop do you have, putting all these awesome things together? If you don’t mind me asking.
Just a garage…
I have done some remodelling on my house, and bought a power tool here and there.
As you probably have guessed, I just got a hand held router.
Need to make a new seat interface plate as I miscalculated the area needed for the ejection handle mount…
NOW HOLD ON!!! When a Swede says “a tool here and there” it means he can probably resolve world crisis by putting an ICBM into orbit.
Don’t sit there with your beautiful pit and modded stick and Scratch Built Dual throttle and tell us you don’t have the essentials. I bet you have a Drill press, a lathe, a belt sander and a metal bender of some type. And to make it even more unfair, the hardware stores in Sweden ROCK. Never to mention there is a CNC machine in every other village. I should know, my son is Swedish.
Looking good Engineer Trool.
Actually, drones are more effective…
Totally NOT true!
I don’t have a lathe…
Want one, though.
Dremel mini Lathe… Its in your future…
I want one too… I have no space but dammit, if I aint creative with how my tools are stacked!
Drill presses are the best though. On the other hand air powered tools are such a majestic invention. Why should I not have lines running through my home?!
Doesn’t look like much has changed, since the last pic, but I lowered the seat an inch and moved it an inch forward.
Oh! And I mounted the ejection handle.
I assume you just flick a little switch somewhere and servo motors fold everything away to hide the setup?
That’s for SimBox 2.0
Troll can I pm you somehow on this or send you my email - I am needing to build the same kind of seat and need some advice. I just don’t want to bore or take over the thread. That is if you have the time?? Thanks
Sure! Use the message function, or post in this thread. You can even start your own thread, if you like.
I’d be happy to help, either way!
Please keep such chats public!
Loved this thread! Ty for sharing!
I found a Aerolex 828 release box on ebay, while searching for some Martin Baker stuff. Don’t know if they have been used on MB seats, or in which aircraft.
But I thought it could be cool on my seat.
I have bought some 2” belt material and will make new seatbelts.
I can hear my mother talking to the doctor, when I was a kid. ”Yes, doctor, Jorgen always takes his toys apart”.
Will refurbish and modify the releasebox somewhat.
The releasebox is made in anodized aluminium.
The parts are probably from different boxes and have slightly different color. They are also worn.
So I decided I’d remove the anodized layer, and polish the parts.
The release handle is made of cast aluminium.
It has been stripped of its old paint, sanded, and painted again. I used white painters caulk in the recessed text.
Now I’m just waiting for the seatbelt material, and the rest of the buckles, which is supposed to arrive today…
Looks lovely, but me personally, I am a sucker for the worn down bits and bobs you know? When I made 3D models for computer games I loved weathering the models, creating the highlights and washouts to showed a history to the object. Same when I painted model trains!
Yeah, I know what you mean… I do too.
But I also have this urge to fix things. To see if I can, sort of.
And in this case, everything else is new, so a worn releasebox would look out of place.