New Tank Sim: Gunner, HEAT, PC!

It has been a while since I played Steel Beasts. I still have my original installation disc and ‘codemeter’ stick but yeah even for me to ‘update’ to the latest version isn’t worth it IMHO… GHPC is far superior in every way to simulating tank warfare for a single player controllable tank.


Steel beasts is amazing. Absolutely amazing but for some reason it wont read scenarios i download anymore and last time i played it it crashed to desktop and then totally uninstalled itself.
Ive yet to find the time to fix this now GHPC is improving so fast


I might give it a shot, then. Knowing that Swede armor is in it is kind of cool. Love me some CV90.

What are SB’s shortcomings in that regard?

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Thats an amazingly well done module on SB. A great vehicle

I’d say check it out for the $10 if you’ve been curious about it, after a month you’ll certainly have a good idea if it’s for you.

I’m in the same boat as Harry, purchased it a long time ago but never really quite could quite get along with it from a single player, just want to control a tank platoon and play a bunch of missions or a campaign perspective.

Granted this is not what they were selling it as so I don’t regret buying it; just seemed like you would have to want to get to grips with ordering a bunch of units around on the map if you wanted to get the most out of it.

Basically what @speck said.

Nothing wrong with SB other than being expensive for what it is (and I fell in love with the CV9040… especially the 3P ammo). But as a single player game, GHPC is a much better experience. And it looks a lot better.


Thanks for the input, you too @speck .

I’ll be waiting for GHPC to get its own multiplayer before deciding if I want to lay down that cash. Though, I might try a $10 demonstration.


I’m really struggling with it for some reason. I just can’t get my head into the game. I keep having to look up the controls again and again, which doesn’t help. Not usually a problem with new games, but somehow it is with this one.

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Try hooking up an Xbox controller to your PC for this, it just works.

In fact, I wouldn’t mind buying this again at all if that meant getting to play it on the Big Screen.


That’s my next step. I just finished a sesh with the keyboard & mouse, with the control assignments open on my tablet in front of the monitor. I did okay, but my shooting was pure garbage.
Did well with long range MG fire on the range (in uniform my personal weapon was the LMG - I was even in our regimental gunnery team for competition shooting - a lifetime ago), but with the tanks, well, send me a purple heart!


The BMP-2 is fun


New update on April Fools, so I kinda didn’t believe what I read or saw… but there is a new update and a new mission called April Fools. Here’s a video clip of the first part of the action mission.

I read and saw screens of new air support like 2 attack jets one for each side, and a helicopter… going to check and confirm that later today.

GHPC Action Clip - YouTube

was that 113 rolling down the hill after being killed?

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Ya, but I had to be sure he wasn’t a suicide 113. lol

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if you are not sure… keep shooting till it catches fire, or changes shape quickly :laughing:

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Shoot until you get RID of it (Rapid involuntary disassembly)?


Another clip from the newest update to Gunner, HEAT, PC. This one a little AA action. Took out the first helicopter, was out of 30 mike mike and engaging the second with 7.62. Lucky my AI still had ammo. Then a near platoon squash till I saved the day.


and in the time honoured tradition of 80s action movies, the helicopter went behind trees or hills to crash :rofl:

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