New Tank Sim: Gunner, HEAT, PC!

I am kinda tired of the exaggerated beahviour of tanks in War Thunder- which, coupled with my issues with Internet means this game might be the fix I need.

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Another interesting thing is being in your invincible M1 and seeing a couple of APC and thinking
heeheheh plinking time. Then they start firing back and in short order you go from “haha yea right, what you gonna do with your little pop guns” to “Oh ■■■■ they knocked all the optics out, I’m blind and scared and ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■” all the while the bang against the hull get louder and louder and the crew is freaking out and its all gone crazy.



Yeah but the closest I got to people shooting back at me when I was a tankie was during a live fire assault with a danger close arty barrage dropping on the objective and hearing the occaisional ‘ping’ of shrapnel bouncing off the armour.

■■■■ doing that shite for real :crazy_face:


and it doesn’t help with the panic on the in game voices 
 and my classic phrase when there is an explosion anywhere near your tank
 “where the F*** did that come from!”


I love that one.


Played a little bit above an hour and I love it
 I had to stop because it crashed on me, shame as I was going strong.

Love it!


Good to hear! I really feels like a game that dropped in the 90s or early 00s.

For more tips and tactics, this dude is my usual go to:

Also, if you get the feeling they deserve more cash to help with their development? Grab the soundtrack, it’s good stuff.


Ah! Brilliant!
Edit: oh WOW he’s the real deal!

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Yeah, he does a lot of SBPro, too, but the basic tactics employed are going to be applicable here, as well.

It’d be like teaching someone how to gunfight in an old piston fighter in DCS and then getting them into IL-2; a lot of that will carry over.

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Only thing that’s a bit tough on me is the control scheme of “click and drag” to move the turret

EDIT: Completed the whole firing range showcase and the first mission - Abrams Alley.

Phenomenal. That said, it was a very very easy mission, and the “Let the Commander aim” allows for an ideal 'quick slew to target"
 makes perfect sense.

Can’t wait to try a more difficult mission.


  • Despite being installed on an SSD the loading time are quite long.
  • sometimes the destroyed enemies look perfectly healty. I wish there were impact points/penetration marks like in War Thunder.



With the M-60 RISE is significantly harder to put the shell through tanks, especially above 1600 meters

Still managed to clean the firing range but my accuracy went from 100% shots on target to barely 50%.

This one hurt

When it works though, it’s FANTASTIC.
I placed this shot exactly where I wanted it- after only one adjustment shot.
At over 1800 meters!

LOL! I love the AAR! Look at this bounced shot!

This miss was just criminal

But the follow up was perfect

Here I was aiming for the driver, but reading “Hit Driver’s Brain” made me squeamish. :grimacing:

Also tried the Bradley Firing range and it’s a stunning machine!


Bradley is my favourite vehicle in the game


I finished also the T-72 shooting range and despite being sorta clunky, as interfaces go at least, it’s impressively effective.
I didn’t manage to work the thermal vision though
 it was just black? Did I need to do something more?
Damn, yes, it’s in the briefing
 Press N

UUGH, the T-55 is an exercise in frustration. No likey.

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Yeah it’s not very useful. M60 WRECKS it

 probably the point was - how many T-55A can you build for the cost of a single M60?


I’d agree there.

Ok the T-80 is pretty phenomenal and quite in-line with the western tanks

Shame for the thermal sight.

The Kobra cannon-fired missile is nasty in all the good ways

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So a quick google gives a rough estimate of 4 T-55A for a single M-60RISE

Which doesn’t deny the fact you could possibly dispatch all four soviet tanks with that M-60.

As usual, no fight happens in a void, and a lot depends on the contextual circumstances.


Am I doing something wrong or all the roof mounted MGs (like the .50 cal on the Abrams) can’t be used?