It’s the got the looks of a Tomcat with the performance of a Cessna.
Lets not Forget, the same Handgrip is used in prolly a dozen western Aircraft, w/ the most Popular Being:
So a Handgrip alone would sell like crazy between DCS and P3D/FSX Crowd.
It would! And I would be really happy with one
Don’t forget the negative sign. It’s a submarine, not an aircraft.
Nah, that just means it operates from submarine aircraft carriers.
Means it Operates in Negative Atmosphere…
Space Ship MoFo…
Come on you knew it would happen
Doth mine eyes deceive me? Do I spy a castle switch?
I’ll be in my bunk*
*(weeping at the damage I’m sure I’m about to do to my bank account)
Will go good with the Harrier too. I think the only difference is the castle switch and trim are switched.
Same Model Stick Used in:
F/A-18A,B,C,D,E,F,G,… XT, J,K.
F-15A,B,C,D,E… SE
Yep, so will be great for Razbams F-15E whenever they get back to making it as well, and BST/ED’s F-15C should they ever decide to do an ASM for it.
pair of pliers and some gorilla glue… no problem,…
That’s getting bought