Newbie here - Sorry

Well I have tried the S curves to slow down, dosnt work for me. The speed and height settings still dont work / show when back in the aircraft, seems to have a mind of its own but having better luck being a bit further out. Also the alt-tilde or whatever it is wont change to “landing” for some reason ( am thinking my keyboard 6mths old is stuffed ). I have tried a clean and repair but dosnt have any effect. Although I like the aircraft its driving me nuts. Thinks I’ll have another look at Chucks although pretty sure he hasnt done one for the SU25T. Mmmm.

Are you setting speed and alt for Waypoint “0” in the mission editor? That is the starting condition of the aircraft. Waypoint 1 speed and alt is just for navigation and planning

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For slowing down, if you put throttle to idle (“0”), extend speed brakes and maintain altitude, it should eventually go down. My guess is one or more of these things are happening when you cannot slow down:

  • Your throttle is not at zero
  • You are losing altitude (going down means gaining speed)

Try to put throttle down, verify by looking in the cockpit that it actually is all the way back (or almost), or in the controls indicator that you can enable with RCtrl+Enter, then make a level turn: keep your altitude the same while turning. Practicing level turns is good for your flying in general, but this is also a fool-proof way to slow down. The harder you turn, the more you slow down, but keep your altitude!


I thought SP (STARTING POINT ) was the starting condition ??? thats what I have set it for. Yep my throttle X56 is at zero. Speed brakes, flaps,gear down all ready. One thing seems to puzzle me is the time-of-day because the strip is hard to see but I’ll figure it.Oh and one more thing on the SU25T cockpit is there a way of getting rid of that silver lunch box that sits on the dash. Thanks for the help will keep on plugging.

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Yes SP is the right waypoint, that should work. Do you save the mission in the mission editor or click fly there?

That’s not what I was asking, please read my comment again:


i know the Grim reapers are not to everyone’s taste … but some of the tutorirals are not bad…
also on the mission editor give yourself plenty of room, try setting you aircraft further away for the landing area … also one more thing check your axis binds sometimes the throttle will double bind with the rudders, so as you use the rudders the throttle will move aswell


Yep I save it every time. Sorry dont quite know what you mean by the RCtrl+Enter but again I will try it .I only use the twist grip for slewing . Ok will visually check the throttle is all the way back ( cant see any reason for it not being ), havnt had any probs before on other “longer” strips.

Ah I misunderstood you then, I thought you could not slow down in flight.

If you are having trouble slowing down before the end of the runway, it is likely because you are landing at too high a speed.

It sounds like you are landing at Batumi or Sochi, I will try to land an Su-25T on the short runway at Sochi and make a track for you so you can see exactly what I am doing with my stick and throttle and at what speed I land.

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Are you setting an empty aircraft in the editor or is it fully fueled and every weapon pylon filled as that will make a monumental difference in the landing and handling.

Try an empty aircraft with 10 percent fuel and no weapons

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I just tried batumi in the 25 (with no controls mapped except airbrake and toe brakes.

Landed on the numbers and stopped without toe brakes by the 2nd exit at 10 percent fuel and no weapons etc

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Yep am (trying) to land at Batumi and yes I am having trouble slowing down in flight ,which is the main reason for crashing if I do manage to land, cant deploy chute as going too fast and wheel brake dont do much good.

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Nope its clean apart from whatever the fuel loadout is, I never bother checking, maybe it might make a differance. Just tried the slewing to no avail , Any how the game is stuffed now as I have a message TRHC that says My flight is delayed, please wait - WTF never seen this before. Well gotta hit the sack now, way past my bedtime LOL. Cheers

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OK here’s 2 track files. You can watch them in DCS to see exactly what I am doing.

This one I start with a very sloppy turn that goes down in altitude and you can see the speed does not drop that fast. Then I start pulling the stick to keep the same altitude and the speed goes down quickly.

When around 300 km/h, I descend to about 500-700 m altitude and then follow the left/right yellow needle in the ADI. As the glideslope comes in (up/down needle), I start to follow it when it intercepts my flight path.

By no means perfect and I drop down too far sometimes but it should show you how it works generally. I manage to stop the plane just before the end of the runway without using the chute. Also was late to extend the speed brakes on the runway and did not aerobrake.

Track 1: sort of clean

For the second one, I flew more like how I normally fly: fast, reckless and just barely keeping the aircraft intact. I ended up way high on final but with some quick throttle and speed brake movements, still set down on the blocks and managed to slow down just beyond the first exit with braking chute use.

Not recommended to fly this way when you start out.

Track 2 - sloppy and fast
Su-25T_Batumi_fast_landing.trk (2.8 MB)

Here’s the .miz file:
Su-25T_empty_landing.miz (7.1 KB)

There is a bit of crosswind and some clouds, not the usual perfect weather sim day


If you’re willing to learn how to add mods, the A-29 Super Tucano is an excellent one to learn to fly in. You can horse it around the sky and not break anything, but you can also learn to fly on speeds and angles at a slower pace than a jet allows you to.

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So, I am a bit confused.

It seems that you are both saying that:

  1. You can’t slow down in flight.


  1. You can’t slow down on the runway.

Or maybe it is 1, thus 2; which would follow.

So, brass tacks, and not knowing your level of aeronautical knowledge please excuse me if I’m saying stuff you already know.

Providing that there is nothing dorked up with your aircraft, or that your throttle is not miscalibrated or double bound (hence @Freak’s advice to literally look at your throttle in game):

  1. The Frogfoot is a refrigerator. It should not be slippery. If you remain completely level, it should slow down with idle throttle.

  2. With gear and flaps down, it should be even draggier.

  3. So, if you are fully configured, and at idle, there is only one thing that would give you speed problems, rate of descent.

If you are trying to descend too steeply, you will simply not slow down…and may even accelerate.

  1. The problem with being steep and fast is that you tend to land long…and still fast. Ideally, you should land about 30% over your stall speed within about the first third of the runway.

If you are at idle and still sailing down the runway, you are flying too fast on final and need to fly slower.

  1. Speedbrakes are fine on rollout but should not strictly be necessary, except maybe on a short runway. If you land and deploy your drag chute, and it fails, you are also probably landing too fast.

Does any of that help, or is this not the problem you are having?


Thanks Freak, Couldnt get your *,trk s to work but followed your advice and am performing a lot better, thinks I was coming (starting) in a bit too near the runway to make adjustments ( still need practice coming in straight and level ) though. Changed the time back to 8am and am able to fly again. Need to work out this time machine. Does this round thing on the dash swing away somehow its damn annoying, gets in the way of runway sighting. Cheers

Well no doubt Butami is a short runway and actualy did a short stop halfway down the runway once but had to cut both engines on approach lol, and the dragchutes wouldnt work ( think thats was bindings ). Havnt managed it since but I’m getting there. Cheers.

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Is the A29 a freebie ,I only bought the Viper a few weeks ago.

Had this problem myself, set the clock back to 8am and OK. I assumed setting the clock to 08.00.00 was the time of day you wanted your mission to start. I need to look into this a bit more.