Newbie here - Sorry

As we can see the reaper must be using the T version (latest) as the standard version can move that annoying bicuit-tin on the dash out of the way. Good vid though.

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There’s a start time for the flight (your aircraft and any wingmen, if present), and a start time for the mission.

To change the mission start time, you need to hit one of the icons on the left bar somewhere above the aircraft icon (I think the weather icon). Those are for mission settings.

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@ahab small addendum to this: I flew the approach at 300 km/h, but slowed down further in the flare (pulling the nose to slow the descent just before touchdown) to about 260 km/h the moment my wheels touched the runway.


Yep it is. You can find it here: GitHub - luizrenault/a-29b-community: DCS World A-29B Module

Scroll down to downloads and you want “Download Latest Release”

There are plenty of good youtube tutorials for it as well, and it is fairly full featured. The flight model is simpler than most of the DCS modules out there, but for learning it’s perfectly fine.


Ok. Butami is not an easy one though.

Oh yeah, thanks for this info.

Did you look at my tracks yet?
Drop them in C:\Users\ < your username >\DCS or DCS.openbeta and then the Tracks folder.

Then in DCS main menu go to tracks and it should open that same folder.

Seems weird why should they be any different ???.

Sometimes you want a flight of bombers to start halfway through the mission.
The “flight” tab is not specific to your flight, it is the same menu as used for flights that are controlled by the computer. The only thing that makes it your flight, is setting “Skill” to “Player” or “Client”

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In fact, it is largely the same interface not only for formations of aircraft but also for formations of ground units such as tanks, infantry and SAM systems, as well as ships


Ok got your files in the suggested directory , but when I “pick” your files it ends up me actually doing your mission ( pretty ugly livery ). Also the scenery looks different, I am using stable not open beta though — Thats weird, Must be using the wrong directories are you sure the files go in the same directory ???.

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Just going on the Youtube vids the Tucano looks like something from the Commodore 65. Havnt tried it yet though.

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Yeah I picked the Georgian livery, glad you like it too :wink: If you open it from tracks, it should work. Maybe Google how to watch a track in DCS World?

If you can’t figure it out I’ll try to make some more detailed instructions later


Thats a little unfair to the creators. They may not all be up to the same level of detail and polish as the paid modules, but the price is right and some of them fly better than the paid ones (like the A4)

Besides, who cares what they look like if they fly right and help you learn about the sim :grinning:


Art is expensive and a lot more work than it seems. Usually, modders start with the hard coding first and only get to work on art at later stages, depending on the success of their modules. Although they always have my respect, I am also too shallow of a person not to care, and only try mods with better artwork. The only mods that look good enough for me currently are A4, OV-10, Hercules, Blackhawk and T45.

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Got it, have never used replay before so wasnt really looking for “REPLAY” in the main menu. Anyhow neat landing you must have put a bit of time into DCS to be able to do a landing like that ,it was fantastic. Like how the user (me) can look outside the aircraft while in TRK mode too. So this is what I would like to do but will be a while before I get upto your standard, thanks once again for your help. Now if I could just get rid of that lunchbox on the dash.

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Have watched this before and they make it look easy. The guy who is talking just speaks tooooooo fast and jittery sometimes makes mistakes himself ( but worth a giggle ). Also GRs clips on Youtube are always such Low Res and look crap. And the guy that everyone sends you to for help on just about all aircraft in every game dosnt do the basic freebies -SU25T and the Mustang ???.

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There is no built-in way to remove the TV in the Su-25T or the gunsight/cam in the Su-25A.
If you want better visibility, have a look at the free A-29 or A-4E mods


Also thanks for the compliments! I have been doing flight sims for a while but you will get this too in no time. Use the .miz file I sent you and fly the yellow needles like I did.
I think you can enable the controls indicator with RCtrl+Enter to see how I move stick and throttle in the replay.

Then when flying yourself, just keep watching the instruments: speed, altitude and the vertical velocity indicator (change of altitude). Make small and timely adjustments and then watch what happens for a second before re-adjusting. You will be moving your throttle and trimming your stick for pitch every second if you’re doing it right.


Dont forget to go around if you make a cock up either …eh @Freak :joy: