I touched down with 1250lbs fuel and at 250 fpm last night and I still bounced so hard i left the runway. I would of survived but it wasn’t what I’d call gentle lol

For gentle, you gotta touch down at ~50fpm. Mostly you gotta adjust to the lag between thrust and FPM. What worked for me was to land from forward flight and slowly get used to lowering my speed each time until I was doing it vertically.

So here’s what I’ve found works for me, since you have a controller that has about as much functionality as I do. AV8B N/A Tips and tricks - #172 by jenrick

As far as landing the sucker, there are two easy ways to put her down.

Conventional landing, if you flip the flaps switch to STOL you will have a LOT of lift and dump a ton of speed. I use this to be able to run the throttle a bit higher, and all I have to do is flip the switch to AUTO or cruise and I’m pretty much already throttled up for a go-ardound. Probably not a real world procedure but it works for me. To be honest I don’t go conventional landings much, it’s a Harrier so I want to be different.

For a short landing, practice first on a full length runway. Aim to set her down on the numbers, and after a bit of practice (say 1,000 or so attempts ;)) you’ll be able to touch down dead on the numbers and stop mighty short. The trick is to put the velocity vector where you want plane to go, and then use the witches hat to stay levelish (don’t get more than about 5 degrees +/- or it gets real interesting fast). Use the nozzles to control both your airspeed and vertical velocity. I like to be at about 55-65 degrees as I touch down but I’ll go all the way forward to kill airspeed if I need to on approach. It does take some practice to get your timing down, but once you do it’s very repeatable. I flip the flaps to STOL once I drop the gear, one less thing to mess with. Once you’re on the ground, nozzles to full forward for max braking effect.

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I see what you mean. I’ve booked in with the wife for a 2 hour slot tommorow to practice a bit more. Thanks for the tips guys. Especially the stovl setting as I think I may not have been using that to its full extent…

Do you use lids as well on landing? I couldn’t really tell the difference once it was deployed but I may be missing something. Chucks guide was very insistent on its use so I assume the extra lift must be useful!

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It might not be simulated, but I leave the LIDS switch in the normal position and have never fiddled with it.

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Cool. Thought as much but doesn’t hurt to check.

Stick time needed in my case I think. Haven’t even fired the gun yet (haven’t even mapped the trigger) just want to be able to land it and I’ll be much happier

Go around and just try to land it on things, roofs, ships, etc. and you’ll get pretty good at it. It has to be treated more like a helicopter when you’re running in vertical, though one without quite as reactive controls.

It’s definitely worth the effort. I think we have a contender for my new favourite dcs aircraft. I had a quick blast in the f15 before work tonight around nevada and it felt much more ‘clinical’ using keyboard commands.
I love the harrier. fc3 might not get a look in for a while lol


LIDS is comprised of those strakes that run the length of the bottom of the fuelage, the speed brake, and a panel that comes out behind the nose gear when it is lowered. So basically all lids does is drop the speed brake and that panel behind the nose gear when you lower the gear. You can definitely feel the difference when hovering. All you need to do is get into a stable hover close to the ground, then raise the gear. You will start sinking. Ive never messed with the LIDS switch, I’m assuming you could test it and see that the speed brake stays up when you lower the gear.

You can test it on the ground. Turning it off closes the door behind the front gear.

I think I managed it once for about 10 seconds :flight_departure::flight_arrival::flight_departure::flight_arrival::fire:



1st landing! On the Tarawa as well. I missed the screenshot but I did it I did it yay!


Hey, gratz on getting the Harrier. You might want to check the training missions, they’re in Caucasus but already quite a few, and more on
The way: link. Enjoy!


Ah that solved a mystery! I thought it was a problem with my module download lol, they aren’t finished yet gotcha! I feel a bit silly now. Thanks for the link @Baltic_Dragon I will add them this morning and have a play. Will they be added to that thread as they come out? Or do they get updated to the module periodically? Thank you again and happy new year :blush:

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Thanks! I will update them as soon as I have new versions ready, so you can also check them out in between the patches. All the best to you in new year too!