People will be buying it, though (if they are available, that is).
What the?
Some interesting numbers. If I do wind up grabbing a 30 series card, I might have to reprioritize exactly which one gives more bang for the buck.
I dunno why they are still doing the LHR Limiter… it doesnt have the deterring effect they think it does.
Die Hard Miners just work around it, and financially backed miners just buy more GPUs to replace the /HashRate.
Additional to the story above.
considering the hash rate limiter supposedly keeps miners away,
when they likely just by 10 or more to build more rigs to make up for it, on top of the chip shortages.
Even a few friends of mine keep watching droplists to snag up more 3080s and 3070s to increase their rigs size or otherwise sell them on at scalper price.
I want none of it and tell them as much.
But its easy money aparently.
Famine almost over?
I’m seeing 3080’s from mainstream outlets for as “low” as $1400…
But how many still want 3080’s now that supposedly twice as fast 40 series cards are being teased?
The flagship GPUs won’t likely come before Q4, the mid of the line probably not this year. Unless Intel hits it big and can supply large numbers, the prices aren’t going to drop significantly.
Well, now that they don’t have to ship anything in Russia anymore maybe price will drop a bit…
i have an inside source for both AMD and NVidia that’s saying prices will drop like a rock in the next 60 days.
Even if I had that source, I’m not sure I would have the balls to post a prediction that concrete. AMD and Nvidia can sell the cards for whatever they want but the market will correct.
Hats off to you! Hope it comes true.
Oh hell yeaw!