OpenVR fholger VR Perf Kit (FSR)

Ahhhh. Guess I missed the X vs V thing. Thanks.

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Good point! The first time I tried both, it kinda looked bad, since both were sharpening. I turned off the sharpening component of ReShade and like what I’m seeing. Tried it the other way and was getting frame times around 16ms, with FSR and sharpening on OpenVrPerf Kit, I’m getting more like 12, so I think I’ll keep it off on ReShade.

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Okay so, I know it’s working (can see the ‘ring’ about the center; little loss in sharpness; none of it significant). Perhaps I just had my ‘thing’ tuned pretty well (mentioned elsewhere, mostly clean OS and driver).

There is maybe a little bit there, perhaps 2% if I had to nail it down. I’ll leave it on for while.

NIS at 80%
The OpenVR settings at .7 (or was it .8? - took the settings from one mentioned above).
PD 1.0, SteamVR | All = 80%, SteamVR | DCS = 100%. Clarity was very much the same, perceived.

My “benchmark” flight is:
3080Ti, AMD 5900X, 64mb RAM, M.2 drive
Syria, sunrise, over Aleppo at 16,500. Plenty of buildings and such below.
My usual settings
Then I do a “Stuka Maneuver”, leveling out to put on on an airshow amid the satellite antennas on the roof tops, etc.

Only time I could get it into the low 40’s was when I touched some [setting] buttons I’ve never dared to (with my old box: 1080). I even tried: Shadows High, And default (terrain shadows); Ultra clouds with Overcast 5 preset.

Of course this isn’t with many other objects in mission (planes, trains, automobiles - and tanks, APC’s, etc).

Even so it was basically smooth - I love being able to look to my 3/9 O’clock and NOT see any ‘ghosting’ (I think it’s called - were at those angles it kind of ‘stutters’). And do hard rolls that are smooth over a populated areas. Easier to spot stuff out the side too when it’s not ‘skipping’ like that.

Can’t wait til they optimize DCS. Maybe the addition of a lot of objects (things to do “combat” against) won’t be such a drag. Though I’ve not really tired a ‘heavy’ object count mission yet.


I launch with these changes from default config, albeit changeable with hotkeys, to get a sharper HUD. Performance hit is minor and mostly imperceptible to me. I use the VR preset with MSAA 2x.

method: nis
renderScale: 0.8
sharpness: 0.9

Use shift as the hotkey modifier, except for the second F1, which I keep alt.

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I’d forgotten about that one with the new box. It worked on the old one as a starting point, but was, on that GPU/CPU, not so pleasing visually. I’ll check it out.

One extra note if useful: If you run with SteamVR (and WMR with those headsets) Motion Reprojection on you won’t see a lot of framerate change, just because it will either stay at 45 FPS or 90 FPS, but not varying in-between. What you will get is that it stays in reprojection a lot easier with more things happening, because at 0.8 you’re effectively telling DCS to draw a 20% smaller output and then this thing is upscaling it.

When I did the benchmark graphs above to see the improvement this gives (roughly 20%) then I have to turn off any reprojection.

Yeah, I think that your new rig is a little faster than mine Jeff, so you might be able to push the settings a bit more.

Good one. I thought that I had it disabled, but I am seeing a lot of 90 on the top end and 45 on the bottom (Syria).

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Check. I turned off repro for the tests. I never ran with it on on the old 1080 - it just ‘felt’ better overall without it. On this new box, for now, it just seems ‘better’ likely as you say cuz it stays in repro more easily.

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Yeah, getting a solid 90 on Syria reliably is beyond where we are with the DCS engine today, regardless of any hardware I think. My goal on that map (a beautiful one for sure) is just to try stay above 45 as much as possible.

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Same. Man, it’s so tempting to start sliiiiiidddingg things to the right. I’m resisting this, mostly. I love the smoothy-ness. And I guess clarity-wise I’m keeping it at what’s acceptable to me. I’m half blind up close (far-sighted) though
so that helps!?

Naturally what I REALLY want is about 60-degrees more FOV. I’m never happy :slight_smile:


You could bump up the SteamVR resolution a tad? If you’re overall at 80% and then DCS at 100% of that then I would be tempted to try 100% overall. The DCS value doesn’t override it, it multiplies it (e.g. 100% in DCS of the 80%).

I have the G2 and the 3080 Ti on 100% SteamVR / DCS PD 1.0 / 100% and it is super sharp (although as I often point out, sharp because I like to see small MFDs / instruments and there’s shimmer and outside ‘over-clarity’ - some would call it ugly!). I don’t run MSAA, as in VR I think pushing the resolution up higher is a better deal than DCS’s MSAA implementation cost in high resolutions. DCS desperately needs a CAS shader (which we are kind of doing ourselves here), plus a fast version of TAA - the MSAA we have in VR doesn’t scale at all.


Going to test it with that mission generator app (name escapes me at the moment) tomorrow, set on high. That thing killed my old box, even on low, and I’m pretty sure it had little to do with the GPU. I’m curious.

One nice way of reducing MSAA performance impact is using the mask size in DCS VR settings. Just set it to lowest and MSAA will be applied to about the G2 sharpest area. The corner aliasing does not matter that much anyway.

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Liberation was the name. Yeah, it destroys my expensive little play thing. Only tested in 2D and where I’d get ~190FPS I’m now at 20-30. This is Syria with a Liberation miz perf. est. at 2/3. Culling of course gains back ~15-20 FPS, so that helps, something DCS seems incapable of by nature at this time.

This is why my little Lua Thing keeps it to “low intensity” (think: COIN - type ops) missions. I use culling too but I just see no way DCS can do any serious combat as is. So, we wait

Hello all

Just had a long test with vrperfkit Together with the universal VR shader mod. Works great, seeing a performance increase and the visuals are great.

Only one strange phenomena - sometimes when pressing Ctrl (when trying to increase time compression or ejecting) a red overlay appear around a clear circle in the middle of the view. Not sure where it’s coming from, I presume it could be connected to an hmd mask size option but never seen that before.

Anyone got a clue?

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That’s the debug mode mask popping up. It seems to sometimes get a little excited to see me and prematurely pops up whenever I hit shift, and not just shift-F1. In your case Ctrl-F1 should make it go away.

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Coincidentally, I was also experimenting with the VR Performance Toolkit yesterday, and I noticed the same phenomenon. WarPig is correct, it’s the debug mode, and the solution for me was to disable hotkeys via vrperfkit.yml. Look for hotkeys:, enabled:, and change the value from true to false. Problem solved.

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Or change the modifier to “shift” and comment out any conflicts or commands that you don’t need. I like having the hotkeys enabled, but I guess if you have arrived at your happy place, you might not need them.

I like them too, at least once a flight I play with something, but then put it right back, so I guess I just need them to remind myself how perfect I have it set, lol!


Has anyone else tried the Fixed Foveated thing to see if it’s actually working? No detectable change here, I suspect it’s like the MSA Mask setting in DCS that doesn’t do anything (yet?).

I tried it and it didn’t help. I think the Fixed Foveated doesn’t really help with DCS performance because it uses something called a Deferred Rendering Pipeline (rather than the more normal Forward Rendering) and does something weird with how it outputs a texture per eye. A previous experimental version of this listed the games it was tried on with some notes on each one: