Pimax 5K+ and 8K VR

I know exactly what you mean. I need that HP Reverb vs Pimax 5K+ VR flight sim fly-off I think.

I need a Mudspike golf shirt and a laminated Mudspike ID card to try to weasel some press hardware from them…LOL…

I duno, I still dont get these ’ through the lense ’ pics and vids… especialy this one where the guy is holding the HS and camera just with his hands :thinking:

They aren’t ideal, but the alternative is just subjective ‘trust me, it looks clearer’. I suppose one useful thing is that they can be compared to other bad through the lens videos. :slight_smile:

I guess it’s a matter of multiplying what you see here with a factor of wow that most of us VR users know is there. I’ve never taken a screen or through the lens shot that adequately translates how cool it is in reality. That lack of pixels in those Reverb shots are nice…

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site email addresses and some proper verbal…lube… work just as well :rofl:

Some Pimax News
Pitool Beta Test Release for Brainwarp 1.0

Beta Test Release link:



Release notes:

What’s New:
1.Add color contrast and brightness adjustment (Beta function)
2.Add the function of IPD offset adjustment (when physical IPD adjustment is unable to continue anymore, try to use this function, Beta function)
3.Support Knuckles controller
4.Update Nolo controller support (Support latest NOLO_UPDATE)
5.Support Oculus v1.35
6.Added the “Restart Service” option in the “HMD” tab

Issue Fixed:

1.The helmet can’t be connected due to the long enumeration time of USB devices in computer
2.Some graphics card which do not support 5K Plus+90Hz can not be connected to the headset.
3.Exceptionally high memory occupancy by piservice.
4.FOV become smaller when AMD graphics card adjusts IPD.
5.OC game - Lucky Tale 's picture height is not right.
6.Modify the method of closing the screen and brightening the screen after the helmet is immobile for a period of time to repair the occasional problem of inability to wake up after sleeping.
7.Incorrect rendering model of locator
8.Incorrect display of individual base station location when there are more than two base stations
9.Some headset adjust IPD will flash black picture.
10.Excessive display of some OC games.
11.Collapse of Pack Services on Non-20xx Graphics Cards and the Unusable Smart Smoothing.

1.Optimizing Smart Smoothing Effect.
2.Optimizing the smoothness of the picture when adjusting the IPD.
3.Optimizing AMD Card Stability of Connection.

This is a Beta test Release not a formal release, only for test.
Please leave your feedback to this thread, and we will review, fix and improve it!
Tks to support Pimax!


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I have used my new toy sometime for dcs now.

I have pimax 5k+

And it really blows my odyssey (not plus) and my rift cv1 out.

RGB panels vs pentile, everything is sharp and easy to see. Sweepspot is way better than odyssey.

Black levels are ok, after bit tuning with contrast and brightness settings in new beta pitool.

Weird thing; DCS beta is super smooht even wiht 30fps, if my odyssey or rift get below 40 is much more worse.

What ever magic pimax latest beta drivers do , it works in dcs like dream.

I use normal FOV, its awesome to see sam launch etc in your side. Odyssey and rift feel like binoculars now :smiley:

And finally so easy to read gauges without zoom.

Happy PImax 5k+ user here in Finland.

Lastnight flyed 2hours , comfort is good as rift. And no eye problems , i have ipd 68.

This headset is finally spot on , large enouh fov , so no need to turn head so much, easy to check six. No bad god rays, way better optics than odyssey and rift.

My wife and my brother also agree, and its easy to swap headsets and see the diffrence.

Finally VR helmet that is good enough in resoluiton and fov that i dont even think that i miss some things in monitor.

My dreams are true. Was dreaming VR helmet for flighsim since VHX etc… back in early 90’s

My pimax is P2 series ,so no early units problems in this one. I got this about 4 weeks ago. order took about 7 days from paying to delivery. Fast.

I got vive lighthouse from local finnish shop. And second is coming from ebay. and now knuckles incoming so i can finally put my rift and odyssey to recycle bin :slight_smile:


Happy for you!
I wish they were inside out tracking.
30FPS smooth, you say? That sounds incredible. What’s the refreshrate of the displays? Do they have some sort of ASW or similar?

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Pimax ASW is smart smoothning. Same thing about.

90hz , and i can select 72z,

But i use 90hz now.

Its really weird that this pimax is so smooth and nice even 30fps.

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Thanks for the review haukka81. Good to hear experiences from a DCS user.


No artifacts like squiggly gunsights and such, like you see in the Rift running at 45FPS ASW?


Some ghosting in building edges when flying really fast and looking left or right etc like in oculus asw. But not bad. 90% time image is crisp and best thing is how super smooht all moves. I like , it was really WOW moment like back in years when i first tryed rift in dcs.

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Very interesting!
Sounds like Pimax are onto something…

Yes, great device but still bit beta software. Gets better after patch or two i think.

I Recomend to wait and see.

Personally i just like tuning and adjusting things so im fine with pimax current state :slight_smile:

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Things get nice now !!

Pimax will get awesome things in future ! Opensoucre hardware and software !


To me, i’ve been waiting forever to see if Pimax can ever meet their initial promises for Brainwarp, IE, could they get something that worked as well as Oculus ASW. Could they have finally done it?

Well, Oculus ASW is no silver bullet. I prefer lower in game settings to keep FPS at 90, rather than suffer the artifacts of 45 FPS ASW.
Granted, I haven’t seen ASW2 in action.
Listening to SweViver and seeing the video it sure seems like Pimax delivers at least the same kind of performance, as Oculus.
But, SweViver is now on Pimax payroll, as he’s their new European representative. OTOH, he’s always been positive about Pimax and seems to be calling it as he sees it.

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7 posts were split to a new topic: DCS GPU Utilization Funny - Not Just Pimax?

I have oculus and pimax (and i owned odyssey too about year)

My two cents:

it works about good as ASW now but its not real 90fps so its same problems like oculus ASW = Artiffacts will pop up here and there.

What maters is that when fps get below 45 its still smooth, even with 30fps. I find my rift asw get wonky in dcs if frames get too much below 45

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