Since we waited this long, can we just get an EX Instead?
Thank you for the clarifications
They’ve got me all wrong. I’d need a much larger survival vest. No way will I fit in that little thing
File a bug report immediately!
Yikes guys, I have to apologize, I read back my comment above and it reads like I am slagging the F-15E somewhat. This was totally not my intent (that’s what I get for responding while decorating the Christmas tree).
I more meant that the comparison between the F-15E and the Hornet is not great. On the development side, the Hornet is a little further along for obvious reasons. On the complexity side, the Hornet has different systems that the F-15E doesn’t have (I mean crashing a plane into a boat and all associated systems, c’mon). This doesn’t mean that the systems coming with the F-15E are not complex in their own right.
RAZBAM has become a 3rd Party Dev that I see even pushing our team to do better on modules. They have set the bar very high now and I absolutely cannot wait for the Strike Eagle. As a Janes Combat Sim fan back in the day the Stike Eagle was easily my favorite release of theirs. I am a mud mover at heart.
So I apologize if anyone read any ill will in my comments, nothing could be further from the truth.
It’s Cool, We get it…This isn’t Hoggit ta know?
Jane’s F-15 was already my fourth Beagle sim. I was old hand with it by then! Granted F-15 SE III was the only one comparable, but still I’d been flying it for a decade.
Still sad Hasbroprose went under and we never got the Falcon 4 addon with it.
It did read a bit weird originally, but thankyou for the clarification
Still greatly enjoying the Hornet while I look forward to the Strike Eagle!
Lets See, My path for certain aircraft.
Falcon AT → Falcon 2.0 → Falcon 3.0 → Falcon 4.0 → Falcon BMS → DCS: F-16
F-15 SE → F-15SE II → F-15SE III → Jane’s F-15
Fleet Defender → Fleet Defender Gold → Top Gun Fire At Will → FSX → DCS: F-14
I barely count TG:FAW, but I played it for a long time, for F-16 I also left out the iF-16 sim, because well, it was horrible compared to Falcon, so I rarely played it.
Jet Fighter 1-4 I also played more than I care to admit, Same with Janes USNF/MF/USNF’97/F.A., USAF/ATF IAF F/A-18 etc
I’d like to add Combat Air Patrol in there as well.
Oh, and:
A-10 Tank Killer → A-10 Cuba → LO:MAC → DCS: A-10C 1&2
F/A-18 Interceptor → Combat Air Patrol-> F-18 Hornet 3.0 & F-18 Hornet Korea → DCS: F-18C
Was iF-16 released later than the F-16 FF? Because when I got F-16 FF there was no Falcon 4.0. But yeah, when F4 came along, pretty much all other sims got dropped for a while
DI’s Sim came out ~ 2 Years before Falcon 4.0 and Novalogic’s,
Even F-16 MRF had better graphics but just had too many issues.
Are we talking about the same F-16 sim?
F-16 Fighting Falcon, by DI, was iF-16 in the Americas.
It was released in 1997 over here at least.
Since it ”collided” with F4 for you, I thought maybe the release of iF-16, happened later…? I had been playing F-16 FF for a good while, when F4 was released.
I forgot about Novalogic F-16 MRF. That one was definitely after DI:s F-16 FF.
Oh, I thought of another!
AH-64 Gunship (C=64) → Gunship 2000 (Amiga) → Longbow → Longbow 2 → DCS: AH-64
It’s fun to remember old titles and consider how far we’ve come…
Gunship (AT) → Gunship 2000 (Dos) → Longbow → Longbow 2 - Gunship (Windows Remake) → AH-64D (FSX) → DCS: AH-64D
You are omitting the awesome AH-64 that was built for ARMA…
You can add Enemy Engaged Apache Havoc between Longbow 2 and Gunship!
And Apache Longbow by Digital Integration. A couple of years before Janes Longbow, IIRC?
Gawd this conversation makes me feel old lol