Welcome Voodoo,
As Chuck said, depending on what you’re looking for. I think all 3 are solid investments but if I had to pick just one, I would say the F5 is the most desirable. It’s a good and sophisticated airframe. I like the other two. The 19 is more simple but they are both fun. Look up some how to videos then you will see what you like.
Good luck.


Hey welcome @Voodoo!
What DCS modules did you like so far?
What do you really like to do when it comes to flying DCS planes?

The more you share your preferences the easier will be to give a rightful answer!

So far the MiG 19 proved to be a beast, and a FAST one, without really sacrificing nimbleness…
But the payload is kind of small.

If you’re looking for a fast rocket with a man inside it’s probably a safe bet.


You can’t go wrong with any of these modules. They all are fun to fly and have depth.

Buy all three. Barring that, go for whichever you think looks cooler. They all can shoot missiles air to air or drop bombs. If you are a student of a specific type of instruments, go for that. If you prefer western style instruments F-5.

If it was me personally? Screw those and get the Hornet immediately. Strap in and fly in VR :slight_smile:



First of all, thank you guys, for the feedback.

I have the F-18, F-14, Viggen, M2000, Albatros … and I’m a big fan of Chuck’s manuals. I still do not have one of the 50s and 60s. To tell the truth, my question is more between the Mig-21 and the 19. I honestly think the F-5 is a bit expensive, for a module that does not have a campaign and in the end is also limited.

I like to do reconnaissance, interception and ground attack (nothing very big, using many bombs…) defend myself and run if I have to (I’m not a big fan of dog figth, although I know the basics).

I think that’s it =) Thanks for the tips.


Ho and if anyone can explain if there is much difference between the navigation style and the use of the radar of Migs I will be grateful :slight_smile:

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You’re no rookie then. Now then, so you wanna be a MiG pilot… well, kiss mom goodbye because flying MiG is going to hurt. I do love my MiGs and fly them more than all the others. You dont own the 15? Ok, it’s a dog fighter and not your thing, but it’s a great module.
So navigation. As you can imagine, the 15 is super basic, the 19 is the same except for being able to store two NBDs in a system of the ARC radio. It provides you basic navigation to NBD.
The Fishbed has a more sophisticated navigation system consisting of NBD presets, PRMG landing system (like ILS) and cloud penetration mode. The 21s system is a game within a game and makes the Fishbed a deep module.
Just let me add that the Fishbed has a much more extensive weapons capability in both A2A and A2G. Again, you can own it for years and never use it all.
Hope this helps.


Regarding navigation, @Maico summed it up pretty good. The MiG-19 was meant to be an all-weather interceptor but had only rudimentary navigation aids available (mainly NDBs) at the time of its design. The MiG-21 comes with RSBN (VOR), ARK (NDB) and PRMG (ILS). The MiG-21 has the whole package.

Regarding radar operation, the MiG-21 (Sapfir, or Sapphire) and the MiG-19 (Izumrud, or Emerald) have similar radars in terms of performance and capabilities. The Sapfir is a bit more advanced in the sense that you can choose to lock whichever target you want. The Izumrud has a search and tracking (lock) antenna… and the tracking antenna will lock the closest target to you automatically when powered on and a contact is within the “radar lock range” (10 deg azimuth with centerline and 4 km away) instead of allowing you to pick which target you want to lock. For the MiG-19, the use of radar is mainly an aid to figure out where your target is and to help you get a firing solution when using guns and IR missiles. The MiG-19 was meant to be guided to the target by a ground controller and its primary weapons were its guns. You don’t have any SARH (Semi-Active Radar Homing) missiles so the radar’s usefulness is a bit limited. The MiG-21 does however have SARH missiles, IR missiles, guns, beam riding missiles… which means that in that case the radar has a much more practical use.

At the moment, the MIG-21 is the more immersive product. It has great sounds, ungodly shaking, and flying it feels like you’re flying a rocket. The engine is unreliable and can flameout pretty easily. The MiG-21 is a pure interceptor: it is designed for speed and doesn’t like to turn at all. High G turns and high AoA manoeuvers are the best way to trigger a compressor stall or an engine flameout. Landing this thing at 350 km/h is genuinely scary since most aircraft are much more forgiving when it comes to landing. The management of your vertical speed and throttle is critical.

The MIG-19 is closer to a dogfighter with afterburners. It has great turning capabilities and is overall very manoeurable. Landing is easier but the engines’ response time is equally terrible. The sound design leaves a lot to be desired but Razbam developers told me that they are actively working on recording new sounds.


I understand. I believe, then, that 21 is the best investment at the moment. Thank you very much, guys, for your willingness to answer my questions. I still want to get the 19 :heart_eyes:. Who knows in the future.


Just to throw an opinion in, I’d wait for a sale and pick up the -21 and the -19. Probably get both for about the price of the f-5.

If I had to only choose 1, it would be the -21. Like stated, it just has more character. It also has a larger variety of weapons, including a radar guided air to ground missle, nukes, clusters, rockets, etc.

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Personally I’d wait for a sale and get both. They’re great products but for different reasons. The MiG-19 has everything I love about swept-wing 50’s fighters and fighting in this thing is incredibly fun. Plus… The bare aluminum skin is plain gorgeous to look at and reminds me a lot of the Super Sabre I’ve always wanted in DCS. This aircraft has tons of little quirks and has a lot of personality once you start digging.


Now you’ve put me in doubt again. :joy::joy::joy:

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Mig-21 is a great choice. If your DCS experience was less then I’d say to go with the Mig-19 as it is a more forgivable aircraft to fly.

In addition to Chuck’s most excellent guide, if you have subscribed to PC Pilot magazine, our o @BeachAV8R, under his nom-de-plum Chris Frishmuth, wrote a series of tutorials that goes through the basics all the way to employing nukes. The Mig-21 Gospel according to Beach as it were…

@BeachAV8R - are they going to put those out as a special supplement?


If you want to doubt even more…

MiG-19 screenies

MiG-21 screenies


Ok… you did it :man_facepalming:

All kidding aside, if you want to pick ONE, get the MiG-21.

The MiG-19 will eventually “get there” (standards-wise) in a couple of weeks, but I think it still needs to stay in the oven a little more in order to have the truly mindblowing experience it rightfully deserves. The sound design is currently a placeholder and the cockpit feels very… err… “silent”. Razbam is aware of it and they’re currently re-doing the whole sound design as we speak, including a proper engine starter sound, battery sound, switches clickity-clicks, etc…

The MiG-21, on the other hand, is a mature product and is readily available. Hearing loss and sweaty palms are guaranteed after 5 minutes of flying the thing.


Thanks dude


Welcome Voodoo…Glad to have you on board. :slight_smile:


Thank you, my friend.

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I second the Mig-21, it’s a cool beasty to fly that can throw you for some challenges but is really rewarding. It also has some cool A2G weapons to employ(I enjoy the anti-ship missile quite a bit myself to be honest). Gives off a bit of the viggen “punch and run” vibe when using them!


Can Mig-19 do aerial refueling?