Do I look better in the left mirror…or the right mirror??
Does this cockpit make me look fat?
Def keeping my eye on this, I think the Tucano is one of the best looking single engine turbo props out there right now. Plus Razbam has impressed me with the M2000 quality.
(though… I really wish it was a A-29 super… )
At least this trainer has some bite. It will make for a great COIN or FAC aircraft for people to think outside of the box in missions. Hopefully they give consideration to that.
RAZBAM AT-27 Tucano update
[quote]RAZBAM DCS: AT-27 Development News
Of course, work continues on this magnificent aircraft! In addition to significant model progress, the SFM (Simple Flight Model; used for testing thus far, and by the AI) will be completed this week. Work on the EFM (External Flight Model) begins now, as well as aircraft systems and cockpit interaction. Stay tuned!
For those of you who just can’t wait, its a little more expensive but honestly the resolution and attention to detail makes the price worth it…
That’s great news!
Another day 1 purchase for me then… lol.
I like that.
When they announced the Tucano I was like…meh.
But that one? Much better and very interesting for me!
F-14, AV-8 and now the A-29!? Man the futures looking bright!
The message via the link was:
T-27 tucano project has been turned into a-29 super tucano
…for context.
Makes a lot of sense to me. Although I didn’t know it was possible to get slower than an A-10?
I get you don’t fly the Huey…
It’s a victory in the Huey to get back alive. For something that can drop JDAMs though…
Hello everybody! I know that there are 5 years since the last post, soy I’ll be fast…
Does anyone know if the EMB 312 Tucano is somewhere to download or purchase? I tried to contact with RAZBAM through the Facebook page of the developer team but no response…
Hi mrpg92 and welcome to Mudspike!
The tucano of Razbam is still in development (I think) and not yet released.
But here is a community mod with a free and flyable Tucano: GitHub - luizrenault/a-29b-community: DCS World A-29B Module
Sore subject, so I’ll refrain from going on a Razbam rant.
Basically, back burnered. Dev status is unknown although some 3D model pics were shown in the last year or so. Very much a long wait on this one.
can we expect to see this magnificent Tucano on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020?